Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Luphocemus Denis, 1960 = Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871 (Korba et al., 2022: 870, by T of the type species, removed from S of Harpactirella, contra Benoit, 1965c: 297)
Gen. Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871 [] Detail
type Ischnocolus holosericeus L. Koch, 1871; gender masculine; syn. of Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820)
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Luphocemus Denis, 1960c: 186 [] (type L. insidiosus Denis, 1960) by Korba et al., 2022: 870 (by transfer of the type species, contra Benoit, 1965c: 297, who regarded it as synonym of Harpactirella Purcell, 1902); not a senior synonym of Leptopelma Ausserer, 1871 (= Nemesia Audouin, 1826) (Raven, 1990: 21, contra Raven, 1985a: 155).
Transferred to other genera:
Ischnocolus culebrae Petrunkevitch, 1929 -- see Holothele
Ischnocolus decoratus Tikader, 1977 -- see Chilobrachys
Ischnocolus denticulatus Franganillo, 1930 -- see Holothele
Ischnocolus gracilis Ausserer, 1871 -- see Chaetopelma
Ischnocolus jerusalemensis Smith, 1990 -- see Chaetopelma
Ischnocolus khasiensis Tikader, 1977 -- see Chilobrachys
Ischnocolus shoemakeri Petrunkevitch, 1926 -- see Holothele
Ischnocolus syriacus Ausserer, 1871 -- see Chaetopelma
In synonymy:
Ischnocolus adenensis (Simon, 1890, T from Chaetopelma) = Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875 (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 42).
Ischnocolus africanus (Ausserer, 1875) = Ischnocolus elongatus (Simon, 1873) (Simon, 1889f: 395, sub Leptopelma).
Ischnocolus algericus Thorell, 1875 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus andalusiacus (Simon, 1873) = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus cavicola (Simon, 1889) = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Zonstein, 2018e: 114).
Ischnocolus fuscostriatus Simon, 1885 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus hancocki Smith, 1990 = Ischnocolus elongatus (Simon, 1873) (Korba et al., 2022: 870).
Ischnocolus holosericeus L. Koch, 1871 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus insidiosus (Denis, 1960, T from Harpactirella) = Ischnocolus elongatus (Simon, 1873) (Korba et al., 2022: 870).
Ischnocolus maroccanus (Simon, 1873) = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus numidus Simon, 1909 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus triangulifer Ausserer, 1871 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus tripolitanus Caporiacco, 1937 = Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) (Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Nomina dubia:
Ischnocolus doleschalli Ausserer, 1871a: 189 (j, Brazil) -- Fukushima & Bertani, 2017: 127.
Ischnocolus fasciculatus Strand, 1906b: 606 (f, Ethiopia) -- Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 399.
Ischnocolus gracilis Keyserling, 1891: 11 (j, Brazil) -- Fukushima & Bertani, 2017: 123.
Ischnocolus hirsutus Ausserer, 1875: 70 (j, Cuba) -- Fukushima & Bertani, 2017: 123.
Ischnocolus tunetanus Pavesi, 1880b:362 (m, Tunisia, see also Strand, 1908h: 23, f) -- Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 399.
Ischnocolus elongatus (Simon, 1873) | m f | Morocco     []
Cyrtauchenius elongatus Simon, 1873a: 32 (Df).
Leptopelma africana Ausserer, 1875: 167 (Df) [].
Leptopelma elongata Simon, 1889f: 395 (T from Cyrtauchenius, S of Leptopelma africanum).
Leptopelma elongatum Roewer, 1942a: 222.
Luphocemus insidiosus Denis, 1960c: 186, f. 1 (Df) [].
Harpactirella insidiosa Benoit, 1965c: 297.
Ischnocolus hancockii Hancock & Hancock, 1989: 36, f. 31 (f; nomen nudum).
Ischnocolus hancocki Smith, 1990c: 127, f. 803-818 (Df) [].
Ischnocolus hancocki Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 394, f. 4A (f).
Ischnocolus elongatus Zonstein, 2018e: 106 (T from Nemesia).
Ischnocolus hancocki Zonstein, 2018e: 107, f. 1-8 (Dm).
Ischnocolus elongatus Korba et al., 2022: 870, f. 6A-L, 7.3A-E, 8.3A-E, 9C-D, 10C-F, 21A-N, 22A-G, 23A-F (mf, S of Harpactirella insidiosa and Ischnocolus hancocki).
Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014 | m f | Israel, Syria?     []
Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 396, f. 5A-C (Dmf).
Ischnocolus ignoratus Zonstein, 2018e: 115, f. 21-23 (m).
Ischnocolus ignoratus Zonstein, 2023: 199, f. 1-28 (mf).
Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875 | m f | Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen, Saudia Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Israel?     []
Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875b: 58, pl. 6, f. 2 (Df).
Chaetopelma adenense Simon, 1890a: 83 (Df) [].
Ischnocolus jickelii Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 42 (S of Chaetopelma adenense).
Ischnocolus jickelii Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 395, f. 4B (f).
Ischnocolus jickelii Zonstein, 2018e: 110, f. 9-17 (Dm).
Ischnocolus jickelii Montemor et al., 2020: 78, f. 1A-F, 2A-F, 5A-B, 6A-C, 9E-F, 10A-D (mf).
Ischnocolus jickelii Zamani et al., 2022b: 379, f. 78-81 (f).
Ischnocolus meron Zonstein, 2023 | m f | Israel     []
Ischnocolus meron Zonstein, 2023: 203, f. 29-52 (Dmf).
Ischnocolus mogadorensis Simon, 1909 | m f | Morocco, Western Sahara     []
Ischnocolus mogadorensis Simon, 1909b: 10 (Df).
Ischnocolus mogadorensis Korba et al., 2022: 860, f. 5C, 7.1A-E, 8.1A-E, 9B, 10B, 14A-N, 15A-G, 16A-D (Dm, f, removed from S of Ischnocolus valentinus, contra Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391).
Ischnocolus rubropilosus Keyserling, 1891 | f | Brazil     []
Ischnocolus rubropilosus Keyserling, 1891: 12 (Df).
Ischnocolus tomentosus Thorell, 1899 | m f | Cameroon, Congo     []
Ischnocolus tomentosus Thorell, 1899: 9 (Df).
Ischnocolus tomentosus Laurent, 1946: 294, f. 1 (Dm).
Ischnocolus tomentosus Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 398 (may belong to Myostola).
Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) * | m f | Spain, Italy (Sicily), Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya     []
Mygale valentina Dufour, 1820b: 101, pl. 73, f. 1-2 (Dm).
Mygale valenciana Walckenaer, 1837: 228.
Trechona valentinus Thorell, 1870b: 168.
Ischnocolus holosericeus L. Koch, in Ausserer, 1871a: 186 (Dj) [].
Ischnocolus triangulifer Ausserer, 1871a: 186 (Dj) [].
Ischnocolus valentinus Ausserer, 1871a: 186.
Actena triangulifera Doleschall, in Ausserer, 1871a: 186 (cf. Bonnet, 1955: 151).
Avicularia andalusiaca Simon, 1873a: 13, pl. 1, f. 2 (Dmf) [].
Avicularia marocanna Simon, 1873a: 15 (Dmf) [].
Ischnocolus andalusiacus Ausserer, 1875: 173.
Ischnocolus maroccanus Ausserer, 1875: 173.
Ischnocolus algericus Thorell, 1875c: 123 (Dm) [].
Ischnocolus fuscostriatus Simon, 1885i: 41 (Dm) [].
Leptopelma cavicola Simon, 1889f: 396, pl. 13, f. 3 (Dmf) [].
Ischnocolus holosericeus Simon, 1892a: 136, f. 119.
Ischnocolus algericus Simon, 1903a: 925, f. 1070-1071 (m).
Ischnocolus fuscomaculatus Strand, 1908h: 25 (f, provisional name only) [by Roewer, 1942a: 234 misspelled as fuscoannulatus].
Ischnocolus numida Simon, 1909b: 9 (Dm) [].
Ischnocolus andalusiacus Bacelar, 1932: 171, f. 3-5 (m).
Ischnocolus tripolitanus Caporiacco, 1937: 57 (Df) [].
Ischnocolus algericus Schmidt, 1986: 40, f. 1-2 (m).
Ischnocolus algericus Smith, 1987d: 88, f. 89 (m).
Ischnocolus algericus Smith, 1990c: 126, f. 778-786 (m).
Ischnocolus holosericeus Smith, 1990c: 129, f. 819-829 (Df).
Ischnocolus maroccanus Smith, 1990c: 131, f. 847-860 (m).
Ischnocolus algericus Schmidt, 1993d: 57, f. 26-29 (m).
Ischnocolus algericus Schmidt, 2003l: 110, f. 44-47 (m).
Ischnocolus holosericus Schmidt, 2003l: 111, f. 48 (f).
Ischnocolus andalusiacus Le Peru, 2011: 106, f. 101 (m).
Ischnocolus holosericeus Le Peru, 2011: 106, f. 102 (f).
Ischnocolus valentinus Guadanucci & Wendt, 2014: 391, f. 3A-D (mf, S of Ischnocolus algericus, I. andalusiacus, I. fuscostriatus, I. holosericeus, I. maroccanus, I. mogadorensis, I. numidus, I. triangulifer and I. tripolitanus; S of I. mogadorensis rejected by Korba et al., 2022: 860).
Ischnocolus valentinus Zonstein, 2018e: 114, f. 18-20 (m, S of Nemesia cavicola).
Ischnocolus valentinus Montemor et al., 2020: 89, f. 9C-D (m).
Ischnocolus valentinus Tamajón Gómez, Pertegal Pérez & Rodríguez Castilla, 2020: 165, f. 1a-c (m).
Ischnocolus valentinus Korba et al., 2022: 866, f. 5A-B, 7.2A-E, 8.2A-E, 9A, 10A, 18A-N, 19A-G, 20A-D (mf).
Ischnocolus vanandelae Montemor, West & Zamani, 2020 | m f | Oman, Iran     []
Ischnocolus vanandelae Montemor, West & Zamani, in Montemor et al., 2020: 84, f. 3A-F, 4A-F, 5C-D, 6D-F, 7C, 9A-B (Dmf).