Family: Desidae Pocock, 1895 []
Gen. Forsterina Lehtinen, 1967 []
type Aphyctoschaema cryphoeciforme Simon, 1908; gender feminine
N.B.: described in the Matachiinae.
In synonymy:
Forsterina alacris (Berland, 1924, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina alticola (Berland, 1924) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina albicauda (Simon, 1908, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina vultuosa (Simon, 1908) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina bivittata (Simon, 1908, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina velifera (Simon, 1908) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina alacris (Berland, 1924, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina alticola (Berland, 1924) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina albicauda (Simon, 1908, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina vultuosa (Simon, 1908) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina bivittata (Simon, 1908, T from Aphyctoschaema) = Forsterina velifera (Simon, 1908) (Lehtinen, 1967: 235).
Forsterina alticola
(Berland, 1924) |
| New Caledonia

Syrorisa alticola Berland, 1924a: 182, f. 33-34 (Df).
Aphyctoschaema alacris Berland, 1924a: 183, f. 35-37 (Dm) [].
Forsterina alticola Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 106-107 (f, T from Syrorisa, S of Aphyctoschaema alacris).
Aphyctoschaema alacris Berland, 1924a: 183, f. 35-37 (Dm) [].
Forsterina alticola Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 106-107 (f, T from Syrorisa, S of Aphyctoschaema alacris).
Forsterina annulipes
(L. Koch, 1872) |
| Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Lord Howe Is.)

Amaurobius annulipes L. Koch, 1872a: 341, pl. 27, f. 3, 4 (Dmf).
Ixeuticus annulipes Roewer, 1955c: 1368.
Forsterina annulipes Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Ixeuticus).
Ixeuticus annulipes Roewer, 1955c: 1368.
Forsterina annulipes Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Ixeuticus).
Forsterina armigera
(Simon, 1908) |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Aphyctoschaema armigerum Simon, 1908d: 370, f. 2B (Dmf).
Forsterina armigera Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 105 (f, T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina armigera Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 105 (f, T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina cryphoeciformis
(Simon, 1908) *
| Australia (Western Australia)

Aphyctoschaema cryphoeciforme Simon, 1908d: 374, f. 2C-D (Dmf).
Forsterina cryphoeciformis Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 110 (m, T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina cryphoeciformis Lehtinen, 1967: 235, f. 110 (m, T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina koghiana
Gray, 1992 |
| New Caledonia

Forsterina koghiana Gray, 1992b: 262, f. 43-46 (Dm).
Forsterina segestrina
(L. Koch, 1872) |
| Australia (New South Wales)

Amaurobius segestrinus L. Koch, 1872a: 343, pl. 27, f. 5 (Df).
Ixeuticus segestrinus Roewer, 1955c: 1369.
Forsterina segestrina Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Ixeuticus).
Ixeuticus segestrinus Roewer, 1955c: 1369.
Forsterina segestrina Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Ixeuticus).
Forsterina velifera
(Simon, 1908) |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Aphyctoschaema veliferum Simon, 1908d: 372, f. 3 (Dm).
Aphyctoschaema bivittatum Simon, 1908d: 374 (Df) [].
Forsterina velifera Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema, S of Aphyctoschaema bivittatum).
Aphyctoschaema bivittatum Simon, 1908d: 374 (Df) [].
Forsterina velifera Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema, S of Aphyctoschaema bivittatum).
Forsterina virgosa
(Simon, 1908) |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Aphyctoschaema virgosum Simon, 1908d: 369, f. 2A (Dmf).
Forsterina virgosa Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina virgosa Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema).
Forsterina vultuosa
(Simon, 1908) |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Aphyctoschaema vultuosum Simon, 1908d: 373 (Df).
Aphyctoschaema albicauda Simon, 1908d: 374 (Df) [].
Forsterina vultuosa Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema, S of Aphyctoschaema albicauda).
Aphyctoschaema albicauda Simon, 1908d: 374 (Df) [].
Forsterina vultuosa Lehtinen, 1967: 235 (T from Aphyctoschaema, S of Aphyctoschaema albicauda).