Family: Gnaphosidae Banks, 1892 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Bobineus Roewer, 1955 = Pterotricha Kulczyński, 1903 (Platnick, 1990a: 39)
Gen. Pterotricha Kulczyński, 1903 [] Detail
type Aranea lentiginosa C. L. Koch, 1837; gender feminine
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Bobineus Roewer, 1955a: 773 [] (type B. loeffleri Roewer, 1955 = Pterotricha strandi Spassky, 1936) by Platnick, 1990a: 39 (transferred Bobineus from the Cithaeronidae).
Transferred to other genera:
Pterotricha adspersa (Grube, 1861) -- see Gnaphosa
Pterotricha altitudonis (Chamberlin, 1935) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha clara (Keyserling, 1887) -- see Gnaphosa
Pterotricha conigera Spassky, 1941 -- see Nomisia
Pterotricha cyrenaica Caporiacco, 1949 -- see Gnaphosa
Pterotricha eremella (Chamberlin, 1928) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha femoralis (Banks, 1911) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha gosoga (Chamberlin & Gertsch, 1940) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha grisea (Banks, 1914) -- see Cesonia
Pterotricha imbecilla (Keyserling, 1887) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha insularis (Banks, 1900) -- see Drassyllus
Pterotricha jaffana (Strand, 1915) -- see Minosia
Pterotricha jucunda (Thorell, 1875) -- see Gnaphosa
Pterotricha karakumensis Spassky, 1939 -- see Minosia
Pterotricha moerens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885) -- see Gnaphosa
Pterotricha munda (Chamberlin, 1935) -- see Callilepis
Pterotricha shnitnikovi Spassky, 1934 -- see Berlandina
Pterotricha thressa (Pavesi, 1876) -- see Nomisia
Pterotricha varia (Tucker, 1923) -- see Nomisia
Pterotricha zionis (Chamberlin & Woodbury, 1929) -- see Castianeira
In synonymy:
Pterotricha aegyptiaca Dalmas, 1921 = Pterotricha conspersa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1995: 946).
Pterotricha aethiopica (L. Koch, 1875, T from Gnaphosa) = Pterotricha schaefferi (Audouin, 1826) (Simon, 1906e: 1161).
Pterotricha fanatica Dalmas, 1921 = Pterotricha lesserti Dalmas, 1921 (Levy, 1995: 960).
Pterotricha isiaca Dalmas, 1921 = Pterotricha conspersa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1995: 946).
Pterotricha lentiginosioides Nosek, 1905 = Pterotricha kochi (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1995: 967).
Pterotricha loeffleri (Roewer, 1955) = Pterotricha strandi Spassky, 1936 (Zamani et al., 2018b: 24).
Pterotricha peregrina Denis, 1948 = Pterotricha chazaliae (Simon, 1895) (Levy, 1995: 962).
Pterotricha tikaderi Gajbe, 1983 = Pterotricha strandi Spassky, 1936 (Zamani et al., 2018b: 24).
Nomina dubia:
Pterotricha arcifera (Simon, 1882b: 238, j, Yemen, originally in Pythonissa) -- El-Hennawy, 2024b: 370.
Pterotricha exitiabilis Drensky, 1929: 10, 63, pl. 1, f. 8-9 (f, North Macedonia) -- Deltshev, 2003: 143.
Pterotricha linnaei (Audouin, 1826: 384, pl. 5, f. 7, f, Egypt, originally in Drassus) -- Sherwood, 2024b: 194.
Pterotricha punctifera Dalmas, 1921: 261 (j, Yemen) -- El-Hennawy, 2024b: 370.
Pterotricha sinoniae Caporiacco, 1953, in Caporiacco & Denis, 1953: 61 (j, Italy) -- El-Hennawy, 2024b: 370.
Pterotricha trebax (Thorell, 1875b: 85, 1875c: 104, f, Ukraine, originally in Gnaphosa) -- Kovblyuk, 2005a: 150.
Pterotricha algerica Dalmas, 1921 | m f | Algeria, Libya     []
Pterotricha algerica Dalmas, 1921: 262, f. 29 (Dmf).
Pterotricha arabica Zamani, 2018 | m f | United Arab Emirates     []
Pterotricha arabica Zamani, 2018: 152, f. 1a-b, 2a, 3a, 4a-d 5a, 6 (Dmf).
Pterotricha argentosa Charitonov, 1946 | m | Uzbekistan     []
Pterotricha argentosa Charitonov, 1946: 24, f. 30 (Dm; see also Charitonov, 1969: 96).
Pterotricha arzhantsevi Fomichev, Marusik & Koponen, 2018 | f | Iraq     []
Pterotricha arzhantsevi Fomichev, Marusik & Koponen, 2018: 330, f. 1a-e, 2a (Df).
Pterotricha auris (Tucker, 1923) | m f | Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho     []
Callilepis auris Tucker, 1923: 265, pl. 8, f. 4 (Dmf).
Pterotricha auris Roewer, 1955c: 377.
Pterotricha auris Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021C: 51, 7 f. (mf).
Pterotricha cambridgei (L. Koch, 1872) | m f | Syria, Israel     []
Gnaphosa cambridgii L. Koch, in O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 227, pl. 13, f. 3, pl. 15, f. 2 (Dmf).
Pythonissa cambridgei Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha cambridgei Kulczyński, 1911a: 20, pl. 1, f. 11, 15 (mf).
Callilepis cambridgei Strand, 1915c: 144.
Pterotricha cambridgei Dalmas, 1921: 253, f. 18, 36 (mf).
Pterotricha cambridgii Levy, 1995: 950, f. 77-80, 83 (mf).
Pterotricha chazaliae (Simon, 1895) | m f | Portugal, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Israel     []
Callilepis chazaliae Simon, 1895h: 376 (Df).
Pterotricha chazaliae Simon, 1909b: 20 (T from Callilepis).
Pterotricha chazaliae Dalmas, 1921: 264, f. 31 (Dm, f).
Pterotricha peregrina Denis, 1948d: 146, f. 1 (Df) [].
Pterotricha chazaliae Levy, 1995: 962, f. 103-107 (mf, S of Pterotricha peregrina).
Pterotricha chazaliae Fomichev, Marusik & Koponen, 2018: 332, f. 2b (f).
Pterotricha conspersa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) | m f | Libya, Egypt, Israel     []
Gnaphosa conspersa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 230, pl. 15, f. 5 (Dmf).
Pythonissa conspersa Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha conspersa Dalmas, 1921: 257, f. 22 (f).
Pterotricha aegyptiaca Dalmas, 1921: 258, f. 23, 41 (Dmf) [].
Pterotricha isiaca Dalmas, 1921: 259, f. 24 (Df) [].
Pterotricha conspersa Levy, 1995: 945, f. 62, 65-70 (mf, S of Pterotricha aegyptiaca and of P. isiaca).
Pterotricha conspersa Azevedo, Griswold & Santos, 2018b: 607, f. 12e, 20f, 21g (m).
Pterotricha dalmasi Fage, 1929 | m f | Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran     []
Pterotricha dalmasi Fage, 1929b: 252, f. 5 (Dm).
Pterotricha isiaca Denis, 1947a: 63, pl. 4, f. 5 (m; misidentified per Levy, 1995: 948).
Pterotricha dalmasi Levy, 1995: 948, f. 71-76 (m, Df).
Pterotricha dalmasi El-Hennawy, 2014a: 26, f. 1-6 (mf).
Pterotricha dalmasi Siyam, Dunlop & Jäger, 2017: 320, f. 7-9 (m).
Pterotricha dalmasi Zamani, 2018: 159, f. 1f-g, 2e, 3e, 4e-f (mf).
Pterotricha cf. dalmasi Zamani et al., 2018b: 19, f. 1a-f (f).
Pterotricha dalmasi Zamani, Al-Yacoub & Najim, 2022: 146, f. 1E, 2D, 3C, 5A-C (mf).
Pterotricha dalmasi El-Hennawy, 2024b: 369, f. 2-7 (m).
Pterotricha djibutensis Dalmas, 1921 | f | Somalia     []
Pterotricha djibutensis Dalmas, 1921: 259, f. 25 (Df).
Pterotricha egens Denis, 1966 | f | Libya     []
Pterotricha egens Denis, 1966e: 107, f. 8 (Df).
Pterotricha engediensis Levy, 1995 | f | Israel     []
Pterotricha engediensis Levy, 1995: 956, f. 90-91 (Df).
Pterotricha esyunini Zamani, 2018 | m f | United Arab Emirates, Iraq     []
Pterotricha esyunini Zamani, 2018: 155, f. 1c, 2b, 3b, 5b-c (Dm).
Pterotricha esyunini Al-Yacoub, Al-Abbad & Kareem, 2021a: 32, f. 3A-B, 4A-B (m).
Pterotricha esyunini Al-Yacoub & Fomichev, 2023: 184, f. 1a-d, g (Df).
Pterotricha insolita Dalmas, 1921 | m | Algeria     []
Pterotricha insolita Dalmas, 1921: 264 (Dm).
Pterotricha kochi (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) | m f | Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Israel     []
Gnaphosa kochii O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 229, pl. 15, f. 6 (Dm).
Pythonissa kochi Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha lentiginosioides Nosek, 1905b: 127, f. 8 (Df) [].
Pterotricha kochi Dalmas, 1921: 252, f. 2, 16 (m, Df).
Pterotricha lentiginosioides Dalmas, 1921: 256, f. 21 (f).
Pterotricha kochii Levy, 1995: 967, f. 121-125 (mf, S of Pterotricha lentiginosioides).
Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani & Marusik, 2018 | m f | United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran     []
Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani, 2018: 160, f. 2f, 3f (m).
Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani & Marusik, in Zamani et al., 2018b: 21, f. 2a-g (Dm).
Pterotricha kovblyuki Al-Yacoub, Al-Abbad & Kareem, 2021b: 187, f. 3-4 (m).
Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani, Al-Yacoub & Najim, 2022: 147, f. 1F, 5D-F (Df).
Pterotricha lentiginosa (C. L. Koch, 1837) * | m f | Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey     []
Aranea lentiginosa C. L. Koch, 1837b: 14 (D).
Drassus lentiginosa C. L. Koch, 1839a: 39, f. 459 (Df).
Pythonissa lentiginosa L. Koch, 1866: 41, pl. 2, f. 31 (f).
Gnaphosa lentiginosa Thorell, 1875b: 85.
Pterotricha lentiginosa Kulczyński, 1903a: 44, pl. 1, f. 11 (f).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Kulczyński, 1911a: 20, pl. 1, f. 10 (Dm).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Dalmas, 1921: 249, f. 15, 32 (mf).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Levy, 1995: 969, f. 126-127 (f).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002a: 580, f. 43-46 (mf).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Murphy, 2007: 32, f. 122-123 (mf).
Pterotricha lentiginosa Wunderlich, 2011: 39, f. 50-51 (mf).
Pterotricha lesserti Dalmas, 1921 | m f | Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia     []
Pterotricha lesserti Dalmas, 1921: 252, f. 33 (Dm).
Pterotricha fanatica Dalmas, 1921: 261, f. 27 (Df) [].
Pterotricha lesserti Levy, 1995: 960, f. 63, 98-102 (mf, S of Pterotricha fanatica).
Pterotricha lesserti Al-Yacoub & Fomichev, 2023: 184, f. 1e-f (f).
Pterotricha levantina Levy, 1995 | m f | Israel     []
Pterotricha levantina Levy, 1995: 951, f. 81-82, 84-85 (Dmf).
Pterotricha lutata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) | m f | Lebanon, Israel     []
Gnaphosa lutata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 228, pl. 15, f. 7 (Dm).
Pythonissa lutata Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha lutata Kulczyński, 1911a: 22, pl. 1, f. 16-18 (m, Df).
Pterotricha lutata Dalmas, 1921: 255, f. 19, 37-38 (mf).
Pterotricha lutata Levy, 1995: 954, f. 86-89 (mf).
Pterotricha marginalis (Tucker, 1923) | f | South Africa     []
Callilepis marginalis Tucker, 1923: 267, pl. 8, f. 5 (Df).
Pterotricha marginalis Roewer, 1955c: 377.
Pterotricha mauritanica Denis, 1945 | f | Mauritania     []
Pterotricha mauritanica Denis, 1945b: 47, f. 16 (Df).
Pterotricha montana Zamani & Marusik, 2018 | f | Iran     []
Pterotricha montana Zamani & Marusik, in Zamani et al., 2018b: 23, f. 3a-g, 11g (Df).
Pterotricha montana Zamani et al., 2024a: 297, f. 7C-D (f).
Pterotricha nadolnyi Zamani, 2018 | m | United Arab Emirates     []
Pterotricha nadolnyi Zamani, 2018: 158, f. 1d, 2c, 3c, 5d-e (Dm).
Pterotricha nomas (Thorell, 1875) | m | Russia (Europe)     []
Gnaphosa nomas Thorell, 1875b: 84 (Dm).
Gnaphosa nomas Thorell, 1875c: 103 (Dm).
Pythonissa nomas Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha nomas Reimoser, 1919: 174.
Pterotricha parasyriaca Levy, 1995 | m f | Israel     []
Pterotricha parasyriaca Levy, 1995: 965, f. 113-117 (Dmf).
Pterotricha parasyriaca Nuruyeva & Huseynov, 2016: 214, f. 6-10, 16-18 (mf).
Pterotricha paupercula Denis, 1966 | f | Libya     []
Pterotricha paupercula Denis, 1966e: 107, f. 9 (Df).
Pterotricha paupercula Levy, 1995: 965 (probably S of Pterotricha schaefferi).
Pterotricha pavlovskyi Spassky, 1952 | m | Tajikistan     []
Pterotricha pavlovskyi Spassky, 1952: 204, f. 8, 11 (Dm).
Pterotricha procera (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) | m f | Egypt, Israel     []
Gnaphosa procera O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874a: 373, pl. 51, f. 2 (Dmf).
Pythonissa procera Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha procera Dalmas, 1921: 256, f. 20, 39-40 (mf).
Pterotricha procera Levy, 1995: 957, f. 92-97 (mf).
Pterotricha pseudoparasyriaca Nuruyeva & Huseynov, 2016 | m f | Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran     []
Pterotricha pseudoparasyrisca Nuruyeva & Huseynov, 2016: 214, f. 1-5, 11-15 (Dmf).
Pterotricha pseudoparasyriaca Zamani et al., 2017c: 63, f. 3B (m).
Pterotricha pseudoparasyriaca Fomichev, Marusik & Koponen, 2018: 331, f. 1f-g (f).
Pterotricha pseudoparasyriaca Zamani et al., 2018b: 24, f. 4a-f, 5a-c (mf).
Pterotricha pseudoparasyriaca Akpınar & Ceyhan, 2020: 65, f. 1A-B (m).
Pterotricha quagga (Pavesi, 1884) | m | Tunisia     []
Gnaphosa quagga Pavesi, 1884a: 468 (Dm).
Pterotricha quagga Roewer, 1955c: 378.
Pterotricha saga (Dönitz & Strand, 1906) | m | Japan     []
Callilepis saga Dönitz & Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 377, pl. 7, f. 80 (Dm).
Pterotricha saga Roewer, 1955c: 376.
Callilepis saga Bonnet, 1956: 934.
Pterotricha saga El-Hennawy, 2024b: 370 (T from Callilepis doubtful).
Pterotricha schaefferi (Audouin, 1826) | m f | Cyprus, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Israel     []
Drassus schaefferi Audouin, 1826: 383, pl. 5, f. 5 (Df).
Macaria schaefferi Simon, 1864: 113.
Gnaphosa aethiopica L. Koch, 1875b: 44, pl. 5, f. 1 (Dm) [].
Pythonissa schaefferi Simon, 1878a: 205.
Pterotricha schaefferi Simon, 1906e: 1161 (S of Gnaphosa aethiopica [sub lapsus aethiops]).
Pterotricha schaefferi Simon, 1907e: 4.
Callilepis schaefferi Strand, 1908h: 78.
Pterotricha schaefferi Dalmas, 1921: 260, f. 26, 42 (f, Dm).
Pterotricha aethiopica Roewer, 1955c: 377 (overlooked S of Simon, 1906e: 1161).
Pterotricha schaefferi Levy, 1995: 964, f. 108-112 (mf).
Pterotricha simoni Dalmas, 1921 | m f | Portugal, Spain     []
Pterotricha simoni Dalmas, 1921: 261, f. 28 (Dmf).
Pterotricha simoni Breitling, 2020: 343, f. 12D (f).
Pterotricha cf. simoni Lozano & Alameda-Martín, 2020: 174, f. 3a-c (m).
Pterotricha simoni Hernández-Corral & Barrientos, 2022: 67, f. 5A-D (mf).
Pterotricha simoni Hoyas & Ferrández, 2024: 125, f. 5-8 (mf).
Pterotricha somaliensis Dalmas, 1921 | m | Somalia     []
Pterotricha somaliensis Dalmas, 1921: 263, f. 43 (Dm).
Pterotricha stevensi Zamani, 2018 | m | United Arab Emirates     []
Pterotricha stevensi Zamani, 2018: 159, f. 1e, 2d, 3d, 5f-g (Dm).
Pterotricha strandi Spassky, 1936 | m f | Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, India     []
Pterotricha strandi Spassky, 1936: 37, f. 1-3 (Dmf).
Bobineus löffleri Roewer, 1955a: 774, f. 23a-g (Dm) [].
Pterotricha tikaderi Gajbe, 1983: 95, f. 1A-H (Dm) [].
Bobineus loeffleri Brignoli, 1983c: 584.
Pterotricha loeffleri Marusik, Omelko & Koponen, 2013: 349, f. 1-7, 11-16 (m, Df).
Pterotricha strandi Marusik, Omelko & Koponen, 2013: 350, f. 17 (mf).
Pterotricha strandi Marusik, 2016: 279, f. 1-13 (m).
Pterotricha strandi Zamani et al., 2018b: 24, f. 6a-f, 7a-d, 8a-e, 9a-d, 11e-f, 15c (mf, S of Pterotricha loeffleri and P. tikaderi).
Pterotricha syriaca Dalmas, 1921 | m f | Syria     []
Pterotricha syriaca Dalmas, 1921: 253, f. 34-35 (Dmf).
Pterotricha syriaca Levy, 1995: 967, f. 118-120 (mf).
Pterotricha vicina Dalmas, 1921 | f | Algeria, Libya     []
Pterotricha vicina Dalmas, 1921: 262, f. 30 (Df).
Pterotricha vicina Di Franco, 1994a: 194, f. 1-2 (f).