Taxon details
Arctosa personata (L. Koch, 1872)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2024-06-01
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia
- External Resources *:
Tricca strandi Caporiacco, 1940a: 13, f. 1 (Dmf) [].
Triccosta strandi Roewer, 1955c: 298.
Leaenella personata Roewer, 1960d: 867 (removed from S of Arctosa fulvolineata, contra Simon, 1937: 1141).
Leaenella strandi Roewer, 1960d: 867 (T from Triccosta).
Arctosa strandi Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1965: 191, f. IV.1-3 (f).
Arctosa personata Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1966: 134, f. I.1-2 (mf, S of Arctosa strandi).
Arctosa personata Barrientos, Bach & Gaju, 1986: 165, f. 1-4 (mf).
Arctosa personata Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 320, f. 851 (mf).
Arctosa personata Gaymard & Lecigne, 2018: 10, f. 7A-C (f).
Arctosa personata Iorio, 2023: 27, f. 12-13 (m).
Barrientos, J. A., Bach, C. & Gaju, M. (1986). Sobre algunas arañas de la Cuenca del Bembézar (Córdoba). I. El género Arctosa C. L. Koch (Araneae, Lycosidae). Miscellanea Zoologica 9: 163-169. -- Show included taxa
Caporiacco, L. di (1940a). Arachniden aus der Provinz Verona (Norditalien). Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Rigā 10: 1-37. -- Show included taxa
Gaymard, M. & Lecigne, S. (2018). Contribution à la connaissance de l'aranéofaune (Araneae) du Gard et en particulier du massif des Gorges du Gardon (Occitanie, France). Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Arachnologie 1: 1-39. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Iorio, É. (2023). Les peuplements d’araignées (Araneae) de la réserve naturelle régionale des Isles du Drac (Isère, France), avec focus sur deux zones humides. Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Arachnologie 10: 4-40. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1872b). Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Arachnidenfauna Tirols. Zweite Abhandlung. Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums für Tirol und Vorarlberg (3) 17: 239-328. -- Show included taxa
Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1965). Revisione delle specie italiane dei generi Arctosa C. L. Koch e Tricca Simon con note su una Acantholycosa delle Alpi Giulie (Araneae-Lycosidae). Redia 49: 165-229. -- Show included taxa
Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1966). Su alcune specie dei generi Arctosa C. L. Koch e Tricca Simon (Araneae-Lycosidae). Redia 50: 133-150. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1955c). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). 2. Band, Abt. b (Salticiformia, Cribellata) (Synonyma-Verzeichnis, Gesamtindex). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1751 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1960d). Araneae Lycosaeformia II (Lycosidae) (Fortsetzung und Schluss). Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba, Mission G. F. de Witte 55: 519-1040. -- Show included taxa
* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2023-04-28 | New taxonomic reference entry | Iorio, 2023 | n/a |
2022-11-09 | Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon | Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Arctosa fulvolineata (Lucas, 1846) | |
2018-12-17 | New taxonomic reference entry | Gaymard & Lecigne, 2018 | n/a |