The World Spider Catalog, Version 12.5
by Norman I. Platnick

© Copyright 2000 — 2012 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
Title Page Introduction Families Counts Bibliography Generic List Fossils Database

FAM. SYNAPHRIDAE Wunderlich, 1986: 113 []

Last updated June 10, 2011

N.B.: described as a subfamily of Anapidae, elevated to family status by Marusik & Lehtinen, 2003: 144 (see also Schütt, 2003: 134).

Gen. Africepheia Miller, 2007 []

A. Miller, 2007b: 24, type A. madagascariensis Miller, 2007.

mf madagascariensis Miller, 2007....................Madagascar []
A. m. Miller, 2007b: 25, f. 1-27, 29-34 (Dmf).

Gen. Cepheia Simon, 1894 []

N.B.: transferred from the Theridiidae to the Symphytognathidae by Levi & Levi, 1962: 18, provisionally placed in Mysmenidae by Forster & Platnick, 1977: 2, transferred here by Marusik & Lehtinen, 2003: 145; for Brignoli, 1970b: 1413, not a senior synonym of Melos O. P.-Cambridge, 1899, regarded instead as an unidentifiable theridiid.

mf longiseta (Simon, 1881) *....................Southern Europe []
Theonoe l. Simon, 1881a: 132, pl. 26, f. 1 (Dmf).
C. l. Simon, 1894a: 589, f. 592 (m).
C. l. Levi & Levi, 1962: 64, f. 309-310 (mf).
C. l. Brignoli, 1970b: 1410, f. 11-14 (mf).
C. l. Wunderlich, 1980d: 267, f. 17, 42-43 (mf).
C. l. Thaler & Noflatscher, 1990: 173, f. 25-29 (mf).
C. l. Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 306, f. 823 (m).
C. l. Lopardo & Hormiga, 2007: 3, f. 1-63 (mf).
C. l. Le Peru, 2011: 346, f. 598 (mf).

Gen. Synaphris Simon, 1894 []

N.B.: transferred from the Theridiidae to the Symphytognathidae by Levi & Levi, 1962: 29, placed provisionally in Mysmenidae by Forster & Platnick, 1977: 2, transferred here by Marusik & Lehtinen, 2003: 144.

mf agaetensis Wunderlich, 1987....................Canary Is. []
S. a. Wunderlich, 1987a: 138, f. 367-368 (Dmf).

mf calerensis Wunderlich, 1987....................Canary Is. []
S. c. Wunderlich, 1987a: 137, f. 364-366 (Dmf).

mf dalmatensis Wunderlich, 1980....................Croatia []
S. d. Wunderlich, 1980d: 261, f. 1-14 (Dmf).
S. d. Wunderlich, 1986: 218, f. 227a.
S. d. Wunderlich, 1987a: 137, f. 362 (m).
S. d. Le Peru, 2011: 347, f. 599 (mf).

f franzi Wunderlich, 1987....................Canary Is. []
S. f. Wunderlich, 1987a: 138, f. 369 (Df).

mf lehtineni Marusik, Gnelitsa & Kovblyuk, 2005....................Ukraine []
S. l. Marusik, Gnelitsa & Kovblyuk, 2005: 125, f. 1-4, 6-14, 18-31 (Dmf).
S. l. Marusik & Zonstein, 2011: 37, f. 12, 15-16 (m).
S. l. Le Peru, 2011: 347, f. 600 (mf).

m letourneuxi (Simon, 1884) *....................Egypt []
Grammonota l. Simon, 1884a: 599 (Dm).
S. l. Simon, 1894a: 589.
S. l. Levi & Levi, 1962: 64, f. 311 (m).
S. l. Brignoli, 1970b: 1407, f. 7-10 (m).
S. l. Wunderlich, 1980d: 259, f. 15-16 (m).
S. l. Wunderlich, 1987a: 137, f. 363 (m).
S. l. Marusik & Zonstein, 2011: 37, f. 21-22 (m).

m orientalis Marusik & Lehtinen, 2003....................Turkmenistan []
S. o. Marusik & Lehtinen, 2003: 150, f. 1-24 (Dm).
S. o. Marusik, Gnelitsa & Kovblyuk, 2005: 128, f. 5, 15-17, 32 (m).
S. o. Marusik & Zonstein, 2011: 37, f. 13, 17 (m).

m saphrynis Lopardo, Hormiga & Melic, 2007....................Spain []
S. s. Lopardo, Hormiga & Melic, 2007: 3, f. 1-62 (Dm; N.B.: considered a junior S of S. lehtineni by Le Peru, 2011: 345).

mf schlingeri Miller, 2007....................Madagascar []
S. s. Miller, 2007b: 27, f. 28, 35-52, 55-66 (Dmf).

mf toliara Miller, 2007....................Madagascar []
S. t. Miller, 2007b: 28, f. 53-54, 67-79 (Dmf).

m wunderlichi Marusik & Zonstein, 2011....................Israel []
S. w. Marusik & Zonstein, 2011: 38, f. 1-11, 14, 18-20 (Dm).