Title Page | Introduction | Families | Counts | Bibliography |
Balogh, J. I. A Sashegy pokfaunaja. Budapest, 60 pp.
Berland, L. Nouvelles araignées marquisiennes. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 142: 31-63.
Bhattacharya, G. C. (1935a). A new spider of Bengal, mimicking Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabr.). Jour. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 37: 960-962.
Bhattacharya, G. C. (1935b). A new species of gregarious spider mimicking Camponotus compressus. Sci. Culture 1: 159-160.
Bishop, S. C. & C. R. Crosby. (1935a). A new genus and two new species of Dictynidae (Araneae). Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 48: 45-48.
Bishop, S. C. & C. R. Crosby. (1935b). American Erigoneae: the spider genera Pelecopsidis and Floricomus. Jour. New York ent. Soc. 43: 31-46.
Bishop, S. C. & C. R. Crosby. (1935c). Studies in American spiders: miscellaneous genera of Erigoneae, part I. Jour. New York ent. Soc. 43: 217-241, 255-280.
Bristowe, W. S. The spiders of Greece and the adjacent islands. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1934: 733-788.
Bryant, E. B. (1935a). A few southern spiders. Psyche 42: 73-83.
Bryant, E. B. (1935b). A rare spider. Psyche 42: 163-166.
Bryant, E. B. (1935c). Notes on some of Urquhart's species of spiders. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 4: 53-70.
Bryant, E. B. (1935d). Some new and little known species of New Zealand spiders. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 4: 71-94.
Caporiacco, L. di. (1935a). Escursione del Prof. Nello Beccari in Anatolia. Aracnidi. Monit. zool. ital. 46: 283-289.
Caporiacco, L. di. (1935b). Aracnidi dell'Himalaia e del Karakoram, raccolti dalla Missione italiana al Karakoram (1929-VII). Mem. Soc. ent. ital. 13: 161-263.
Chamberlin, R. V. & W. Ivie. (1935a). The black widow spider and its varieties in the United States. Bull. Univ. Utah 25(8): 1-29.
Chamberlin, R. V. & W. Ivie. (1935b). Miscellaneous new American spiders. Bull. Univ. Utah. 26(4): 1-79.
Chamberlin, R. V. & W. Ivie. (1935c). Nearctic spiders of the family Urocteidae. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 28: 265-272.
Charitonov, D. E. Lepthyphantes valentinae n. sp. (Aran. Linyphiidae). Utschenjich. Zapisok. Perm. Univ. 1(1): 75-81.
Crosby, C. R. & S. C. Bishop. A new species of Hybocoptus from New York. Ent. News 46: 125-127.
Crosby, C. R. & H. M. Zorsch. Spiders from the Lac St. Jean region of Quebec. Canad. Ent. 67: 38-42.
Denis, J. (1935a). A propos de quelques araignées du genre Zodarion Walck., appartenant àa la faune française. Bull. Soc. hist. nat. Toulouse 67: 51-68.
Denis, J. (1935b). Sur deux araignées de Cyrénaique. Ann. Mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova 57: 100-104.
Denis, J. (1935c). Les araignées du genre Zodarion Walk., appartenant à la faune d'Italie. Mem. Soc. ent. ital. 14: 65-83.
Denis, J. (1935d). Additions à la faune arachnologique de l'Ile de Port-Cros (Var). Ann. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulon 19: 114-122.
Drensky, P. Paiatzi (Araneae) seubirani ot Dr Stanko Karaman w Jougoslavia i osobeno w Makedonia. Izw. tzar. prirod. Inst. Sofia 8: 97-110.
Dyal, S. Spiders of Lahore. Bull. Dept. Zool. Panjab. Univ. 1: 117-252.
Exline, H. (1935a). Three new species of Cybaeus. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 11: 129-132.
Exline, H. (1935b). A new species of Cybaeus (Araneae: Agelenidae). Ent. News 46: 285-286.
Fage, L. Description du male de Metella breuili Fage (Araneida) accompagnee de remarques sur la position systematique du genre Metella. Revta espan. Ent. 11: 177-180.
Fox, I. Chinese spiders of the family Lycosidae. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 451-456.
Franganillo B., P. Estudio de los arácnidos recogidos durante el verano de 1934. Estudios de "Belen" 1935(49-50): 20-26; (?51-52): 27-33; (?55-56): 23-30.
Gertsch, W. J. (1935a). Spiders from the southwestern United States. Amer. Mus. Novit. 792: 1-31.
Gertsch, W. J. (1935b). New American spiders with notes on other species. Amer. Mus. Novit. 805: 1-24.
Gertsch, W. J. & H. K. Wallace. Further notes on American Lycosidae. Amer. Mus. Novit. 794: 1-22.
Giltay, L. (1935a). Notes arachnologiques africaines. V. Quelques araignées de Léopoldville et d'Eala (Congo belge). Bull. Mus. roy. hist. nat. Belg. 11(6): 1-11.
Giltay, L. (1935b). Notes arachnologiques africaines. VI. Quelques araignées des environs d'Elisabethville (Katanga). Bull. Mus. roy. hist. nat. Belg. 11(16): 1-21.
Giltay, L. (1935c). Liste des arachnides d'Extrême-Orient et des Indes orientales recueillis, en 1932, par S. A. R. le Prince Léopold de Belgique. Bull. Mus. roy. hist. nat. Belg. 11(20): 1-15.
Gravely, F. H. (1935a). Notes on Indian mygalomorph spiders. II. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 37: 69-84.
Gravely, F. H. (1935b). The male of Ornithoctonus minax (Thorell). Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 37: 211-212.
Hewitt, J. Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari Expedition, March to September 1930. The trap-door spiders, scorpions and solifuges. Ann. Trans. Mus. 16: 459-479.
Ivie, W. & W. M. Barrows. Some new spiders from Florida. Bull. Univ. Utah 26(6): 1-24.
Kishida, K. Notes on two species of Japanese zodariid spiders. Kishu-doshokubutsu (J. Zool. Bot. Kishu) 2: 1-4.
Kolosváry, G. (1935a). Die Spinnenbiosphäre des ungarländischen Pannonbeckens, III. Act. lit. sci. Univ. Hung. 5(Acta biol., 3): 134-144.
Kolosváry, G. (1935b). Neue Beiträge zur Biologie der Tierwelt der Ungarländischen Junipereten. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 7: 203-216.
Kolosváry, G. (1935c). Neue araneologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 8: 35-38.
Kolosváry, G. (1935d). Beiträge zur Spinnenfauna des Mátragebirges und der Villányer Gegend. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 8: 278-288.
Kratochvíl. J. (1935a). Ein neuer Vertreter der Gruppe Rhodeae (Typhlorhode subterranea n. gen. n. sp.) aus den balkanischen Höhlen. Stud. Geb. allgem. Karstforsch. 1: 1-10.
Kratochvíl, J. (1935b). Araignées nouvelles ou non encore signalées en Yougoslavie. Première partie. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 8: 10-25.
Kratochvíl, J. (1935c). Araignées cavernicoles de Krivosije. Práce Morav. prírod. spol. 9(12): 1-25.
Lessert, R. de. Description de deux araignées cavernicoles du Congo belge. Rev. zool. bot. afr. 27: 326-332.
Mello-Leitão, C. F. de. (1935a). Three interesting new Brasilian spiders. Rev. chilena Hist. nat. 39: 94-98.
Mello-Leitão, C. F. de. (1935b). Dois novos Mimetidae do Brasil méridional, com algumas notas sobre a familia. Ann. Acad. brasil. sci. 7: 323-327.
Mello-Leitão, C. F. de. (1935c). Tres novas aranhas tetrapneumones nas colleccoes do Instituto Butantan. Mem. Inst. Butantan 9: 335-360.
Mello-Leitão, C. F. de. (1935d). Dois generos raros de aranhas nas colleccoes do Instituto Butantan. Mem. Inst. Butantan 9: 363-366.
Miller, F. Trichoncus scrofa Kulcz. (nec Simon) - Araneae. Casopis cesk. spol. ent. 32: 26-30.
Petrusewicz, K. Lycosa riparia C. L. Koch, L. riparia sphagnicola Dahl und L. montivaga Kulcz. Ann Mus. zool polon. 11(3): 21-25.
Piza, S. de T., Jr. IV. Novos thomisidas do Brasil. Rev. biol. hyg. S.-Paulo 6: 126-127.
Plantilla, F. C. & E. Mabalay. Latrodectus agoyanyang, preliminary notes on the entomological, clinical and experimental studies. Mon. Bull. Philipp. Health Serv. 15: 187-197.
Reimoser, E. Araneida. In Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der niederländischen Expeditionen in den Karakorum. Zoologie (Leipzig) 1935: 169-176.
Roewer, C. F. Zwei myrmecophile Spinnen-Arten Brasiliens. Veröff. deuts. Kolon-. Ubersee-Mus. Bremen 1: 193-197.
Rosca, A. Neue Spinnenarten aus der Bukovina (Rumänien). Zool. Anz. 111: 241-254.
Saito, S. (1935a). Further notes on spiders from southern Saghalin, with descriptions of three new species. Annot. zool. Japon. 15: 58-61.
Saito, S. (1935b). Further notes on spiders from southern Saghalin. (The third supplement). Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 14: 51-54.
Spassky, S. A. Pisaura listeri Scop. (Biologische Skizze). Ent. Obozr. 25: 193-205.
Strand, E. Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontolgica, VII. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 7: 300-306.
Sytshevskaja, V. J. Étude sur les araignées de la Kamtchatka. Folia zool. hydrobiol. 8: 80-103.