The World Spider Catalog, Version 2.5
by Norman I. Platnick

© Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
Title Page Introduction Families Counts Bibliography


Last updated Sept. 17, 2000

N.B.: for a diagnosis, see Legendre, 1967a: 796 and Platnick, 1984b: 5.

Gen. Drassodella Hewitt, 1916

N.B.: transferred here from the Gnaphosidae by Platnick, 1990a: 39.

f melana Tucker, 1923....................South Africa
D. m. Tucker, 1923: 310, pl. 10, f. 38 (Df).

f purcelli Tucker, 1923....................South Africa
D. p. Tucker, 1923: 311, pl. 9, f. 39 (Df).

mf quinquelabecula Tucker, 1923....................South Africa
D. q. Tucker, 1923: 311, pl. 9, f. 40 (Dmf).

mf salisburyi Hewitt, 1916 *....................South Africa
D. salisburii Hewitt, 1916b: 210, f. 9A-E (Dmf).
D. s. Tucker, 1923: 313.

mf septemmaculata (Strand, 1909)....................South Africa
Prosthesima 7-maculata Strand, 1909g: 554 (Df).
D. 7-maculata Tucker, 1923: 314, pl. 9, f. 41 (f, Dm).

f tenebrosa Lawrence, 1938....................South Africa
D. t. Lawrence, 1938a: 474, f. 11 (Df).

f vasivulva Tucker, 1923....................South Africa
D. v. Tucker, 1923: 316, pl. 9, f. 42 (Df).

Gen. Galianoella Goloboff, 2000

G. Goloboff, 2000: 1, type Azilia leucostigma Mello-Leitão, 1941

mf leucostigma (Mello-Leitão, 1941) *....................Argentina
Azilia l. Mello-Leitão, 1941d: 155, f. 50, pl. VII, f. 33 (Dmf).
G. l. Goloboff, 2000: 3, f. 1-14 (Tmf from Azilia).

Gen. Gallieniella Millot, 1947

N.B.: transferred here from the Clubionidae by Legendre, 1967a: 796.

mf betroka Platnick, 1984....................Madagascar
G. b. Platnick, 1984b: 10, f. 25-27 (Dm).
G. b. Platnick, 1993b: 152, f. 1-2 (Df).

mf blanci Platnick, 1984....................Madagascar
G. b. Platnick, 1984b: 8, f. 22-24 (Dm).
G. b. Platnick, 1995a: 9, f. 1-2 (Df).

mf jocquei Platnick, 1984....................Comoro Is.
G. j. Platnick, 1984b: 10, f. 28-32 (Dmf).

mf mygaloides Millot, 1947 *....................Madagascar
G. m. Millot, 1947a: 159, f. 1, text-f. A-G (Dm).
G. m. Legendre, 1967a: 796, f. 1-2 (Df).
G. m. Platnick, 1984b: 7, f. 1-4, 11-12, 17-21 (mf).

Gen. Legendrena Platnick, 1984

L. Platnick, 1984b: 11, type L. angavokely Platnick, 1984.

mf angavokely Platnick, 1984 *....................Madagascar
L. a. Platnick, 1984b: 12, f. 33-36, 38-42 (Dmf).

mf perinet Platnick, 1984....................Madagascar
L. p. Platnick, 1984b: 13, f. 43-45 (Dm).
L. p. Platnick, 1995a: 10, f. 3-4 (Df).

m rolandi Platnick, 1984....................Madagascar
L. r. Platnick, 1984b: 17, f. 37, 46-48 (Dm).

m rothi Platnick, 1995....................Madagascar
L. r. Platnick, 1995a: 11, f. 5-7 (Dm).

m spiralis Platnick, 1995....................Madagascar
L. s. Platnick, 1995a: 11, f. 8-10 (Dm).

mf steineri Platnick, 1990....................Madagascar
L. s. Platnick, 1990b: 499, f. 1-4 (Dmf).

mf tamatave Platnick, 1984....................Madagascar
L. t. Platnick, 1984b: 14, f. 49-53 (Dmf).