The World Spider Catalog, Version 9.5
by Norman I. Platnick

© Copyright 2000 — 2009 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
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FAM. AUSTROCHILIDAE Zapfe, 1955: 51 []

Last updated Apr. 18, 2008

N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Thaididae and Hickmaniidae by Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 25, contra Lehtinen, 1967: 299 and Marples, 1968: 30.

Gen. Austrochilus Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955 []

A. Gertsch & Zapfe, in Zapfe, 1955: 47, type A. manni Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955; not a junior synonym of Thaida Karsch, 1880 (Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 33, contra Lehtinen, 1967: 217).

mf forsteri Grismado, Lopardo & Platnick, 2003....................Chile []
A. f. Grismado, Lopardo & Platnick, 2003: 148, f. 1-8 (Dmf).

mf franckei Platnick, 1987....................Chile, Argentina []
A. f. Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 40, f. 119-122, 142-147, 329, 337-340, 353, 360-361, 369, 375, 379 (Dmf).
A. f. Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 84, f. 19a-f (mf).

mf manni Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955 *....................Chile []
A. m. Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955, in Zapfe, 1955: 47, f. 57-58 (Dmf).
A. m. Gertsch, 1958c: 19, f. 41-43, 45-50 (m).
Thaida peculiaris Lehtinen, 1967: 217 (S, rejected).
A. m. Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 35, f. 84-86, 89-90, 94, 96, 98, 105-106, 108, 124-129 (removed from S of Thaida peculiaris Karsch, 1880, contra Lehtinen, 1967: 217, Df).

mf melon Platnick, 1987....................Chile []
A. m. Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 37, f. 101-102, 130-135 (Dmf).

mf newtoni Platnick, 1987....................Chile []
A. n. Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 42, f. 148-153 (Dmf).

mf schlingeri Platnick, 1987....................Chile []
A. s. Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 40, f. 136-141 (Dmf).

Gen. Hickmania Gertsch, 1958 []

H. Gertsch, 1958c: 16, type Ectatosticta troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1883); transferred from the Hypochilidae to the Hickmaniidae by Lehtinen, 1967: 299, and here from the Hickmaniidae by Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 48.

mf troglodytes (Higgins & Petterd, 1883) *....................Tasmania []
Theridion t. Higgins & Petterd, 1883: 191 (D).
Ectatosticta australis Simon, 1902c: 240 (Dj).
Ectatostica t. Rainbow, 1904c: 327, pl. 46, f. 1-4 (Df).
Ectatosticta t. Hickman, 1928: 169, pl. 24, f. 6-7 (Dm).
H. t. Gertsch, 1958c: 16, f. 20, 32-40, 44 (Tmf from Ectatosticta).
H. t. Lehtinen, 1967: 431, f. 16 (m).
H. t. Forster & Gray, 1979: 1061, f. 20, 32.
H. t. Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 49, f. 327, 341-346, 355, 362, 371, 376, 380 (mf).

Gen. Thaida Karsch, 1880 []

N.B.: transferred from the Agelenidae to the Thaididae by Lehtinen, 1967: 268; not a senior synonym of Austrochilus Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955 (Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 33), contra Lehtinen, 1967: 217.

f chepu Platnick, 1987....................Chile []
T. c. Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 47, f. 118, 161-163 (Df).

mf peculiaris Karsch, 1880 *....................Chile, Argentina []
T. p. Karsch, 1880c: 389, pl. 12, f. 14 (Dmf).
T. p. Roth, 1967c: 341, pl. 53, f. 12 (m).
T. p. Lehtinen, 1967: 431, f. 17 (f).
T. p. Forster & Gray, 1979: 1063, f. 31.
T. p. Forster, Platnick & Gray, 1987: 44, f. 83, 87-88, 91-93, 95, 97, 99-100, 103-104, 107, 109-117, 155-160 (m, Df).
T. p. Coddington, 1990: 10, f. 10 (m).
T. p. Griswold et al., 2005: 15, f. 163A-F, 166C, 187A (mf).