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Alenatea acusiseta (Zhu & Song, 1994) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Alenatea angulopicta (Schenkel, 1953) | Araneidae synonym = Alenatea fuscocolorata
Alenatea arcopicta (Schenkel, 1953) | Araneidae synonym = Alenatea fuscocolorata
Alenatea davidi (Schenkel, 1963) | Araneidae synonym = Alenatea fuscocolorata
Alenatea fuscocolorata (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Alenatea fuscocoloratoides (Namkung, 2002) | Araneidae synonym = Alenatea acusiseta
Alenatea touxie Song & Zhu, 1999 | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Alenatea wangi Zhu & Song, 1999 | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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