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Colopea laeta (Thorell, 1895) | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea lehtineni Zheng, Marusik & Li, 2009 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea malayana Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea pusilla (Simon, 1893) | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea romantica Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea silvestris Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea tuberculata Platnick & Shadab, 1974 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea unifoveata Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea virgata Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Colopea xerophila Lehtinen, 1982 | Stenochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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