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Ephebopus bistriatus (C. L. Koch, 1838) | Theraphosidae synonym = Ephebopus murinus
Ephebopus cyanognathus West & Marshall, 2000 | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ephebopus foliatus West, Marshall, Fukushima & Bertani, 2008 | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ephebopus fossor Pocock, 1903 | Theraphosidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Ephebopus murinus (Walckenaer, 1837) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ephebopus rufescens West & Marshall, 2000 | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ephebopus uatuman Lucas, Silva & Bertani, 1992 | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Tapinauchenius plumipes (C. L. Koch, 1842) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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