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Cithaeron praedonius O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron agelenoides (Simon, 1878) | Cithaeronidae synonym = Cithaeron praedonius
Cithaeron limbatus (Simon, 1885) | Cithaeronidae synonym = Cithaeron praedonius
Cithaeron semilimbatus (Simon, 1890) | Cithaeronidae synonym = Cithaeron praedonius
Cithaeron delimbatus Strand, 1906 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron pallidus Denis, 1953 | Cithaeronidae synonym = Cithaeron praedonius
Cithaeron jocqueorum Platnick, 1991 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron reimoseri Platnick, 1991 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron indicus Platnick & Gajbe, 1994 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron contentum JocquƩ & Russell-Smith, 2011 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Cithaeron dippenaarae Bosmans & Van Keer, 2015 | Cithaeronidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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