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Ctenolophus cregoei (Purcell, 1902) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ctenolophus kolbei (Purcell, 1902) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ctenolophus spiricola (Purcell, 1903) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ctenolophus pectinipalpis (Purcell, 1903) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Idiops kentanicus (Purcell, 1903) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ctenolophus heligmomeriformis Strand, 1907 | Idiopidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Ctenolophus fenoulheti Hewitt, 1913 | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Segregara transvaalensis (Hewitt, 1913) | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ctenolophus oomi Hewitt, 1913 | Idiopidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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