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Gaucelmus augustinus Keyserling, 1884 | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Gaucelmus eigenmanni (Banks, 1902) | Synotaxidae synonym = Gaucelmus augustinus
Gaucelmus cavernicola (Petrunkevitch, 1910) | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Gaucelmus santaanae (Kraus, 1955) | Synotaxidae synonym = Gaucelmus augustinus
Gaucelmus calidus Gertsch, 1971 | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Gaucelmus strinatii Brignoli, 1979 | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Gaucelmus tropicus Gertsch, 1984 | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Gaucelmus pygmaeus Gertsch, 1984 | Synotaxidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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