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Lygarina finitima Millidge, 1991 | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Lygarina silvicola Millidge, 1991 | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Lygarina berlandi Caporiacco, 1955 | Linyphiidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Lygarina aurantiaca (Simon, 1905) | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Lygarina caracasana Simon, 1894 | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Lygarina nitida Simon, 1894 | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Ceratinopsis monticola (Simon, 1894) | Linyphiidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
1 to 7 out of 7 entries      1