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Tmesiphantes brescoviti (Indicatti, Lucas, Guadanucci & Yamamoto, 2008) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Tmesiphantes buecherli (Indicatti, Lucas, Guadanucci & Yamamoto, 2008) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Plesiopelma insulare (Mello-Leitão, 1923) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Tmesiphantes obesus (Simon, 1892) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Tmesiphantes janeira (Keyserling, 1891) | Theraphosidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Magulla Simon, 1892 | Theraphosidae synonym = Tmesiphantes
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