Family: Idiopidae Simon, 1889 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Pachyidiops Simon, 1903 = Titanidiops Simon, 1903 (Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 323)
Gen. Titanidiops Simon, 1903 [] Detail
type Idiops compactus Gerstaecker, 1873; gender masculine
N.B.: removed from the synonymy of Idiops Perty, 1933 by Wunderlich, 1992a: 280 and Wunderlich, 1995b: 417, contra Raven, 1985a: 159; transfer of several species from Idiops back to Titanidiops per Simon, 1903a: 890 (constructor, fortis, lacustris, syriacus), Schenkel, 1937: 377 (briodae) and Caporiacco, 1949a: 320 (melloleitaoi); considered a senior synonym of Pachyidiops Simon, 1903a: 890 [] (type Idiops crassus) by Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 323 (by transfer of the type species, removed from the synonymy of Idiops, rejecting Raven, 1985a: 157); transfer of two species, originally in listed in Pachyidiops by Simon, 1903a: 890, from Idiops to Titanidiops (yemenensis and opifex Pocock = bombayensis).
In synonymy:
Titanidiops colletti O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889 = Titanidiops crassus (Simon, 1884) (Thorell, 1895b: 1, sub Acanthodon).
Homonym replaced:
Titanidiops opifex (Pocock, 1899) -- see Titanidiops bombayensis
Titanidiops birmanicus Schwendinger & Huber, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Titanidiops birmanicus Schwendinger & Huber, in Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 328, f. 2H, 3G, 6A-J, 7A-P (Dmf).
Titanidiops bombayensis (Siliwal, Molur & Biswas, 2005) | m f | India     []
Acanthodon opifex Pocock, 1899d: 750 (Df; preoccupied by Simon, 1889, see Idiops opifex) [].
Pachyidiops opifex Simon, 1903a: 890 (T from Acanthodon).
Idiops opifex Roewer, 1942a: 155.
Idiops bombayensis Siliwal, Molur & Biswas, 2005: 2004, 2023 (replacement name).
Idiops bombayensis Mirza & Sanap, 2012: 85, f. 1-15, 36-37 (f, Dm).
Titanidiops bombayensis Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops bonny (Siliwal, Hippargi, Yadav & Kumar, 2020) | f | India     []
Idiops bonny Siliwal et al., 2020: 16780, f. 12-17, image 2 (Df).
Titanidiops bonny Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops briodae Schenkel, 1937 | f | Zimbabwe     []
Titanidiops briodae Schenkel, 1937: 377, f. 2 (Df).
Titanidiops canariensis Wunderlich, 1992 | m f | Canary Is.     []
?Titanidiops canariensis Wunderlich, 1992a: 280, f. 1-3, 536 (Df).
Titanidiops canariensis Wunderlich, 2011: 354, f. 1-3, 14 (Dm).
Titanidiops compactus (Gerstaecker, 1873) * | f | Kenya     []
Idiops compactus Gerstaecker, 1873: 484 (Df).
Titanidiops compactus Simon, 1903a: 890, f. 1049.
Titanidiops constructor (Pocock, 1900) | m f | India     []
Acanthodon constructor Pocock, 1900a: 163 (Dmf).
Titanidiops constructor Simon, 1903a: 890.
Idiops constructor Schwendinger, 1991: 240, f. 14, 16, 19 (m).
Idiops constructor Caleb, 2020b: 15723, f. 9A-K, 26E-F (mf).
Titanidiops crassus (Simon, 1884) | f | Myanmar     []
Idiops crassus Simon, 1884n: 357 (Df).
Idiops colletti O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889a: 37, pl. 2, f. 2a-g (Df) [].
Acanthodon crassus Thorell, 1895b: 1 (S of Idiops colletti).
Acanthodon crassus Pocock, 1900a: 161, f. 54 (f).
Pachyidiops crassus Simon, 1903a: 890.
Pachidiops crassus Bonnet, 1958: 3274 (unjustified emendation).
Titanidiops crassus Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 323, f. 3H (f, T from Idiops).
Titanidiops fortis (Pocock, 1900) | f | India     []
Acanthodon fortis Pocock, 1900a: 163 (Df).
Titanidiops fortis Simon, 1903a: 890.
Titanidiops inermis Schwendinger, 2024 | m f | Thailand     []
Titanidiops inermis Schwendinger, in Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 340, f. 2J, 3A, 12A-S, 13A-P (Dmf).
Titanidiops insularis Schwendinger, 2024 | m f | Thailand, Indonesia (Belitung)     []
Titanidiops insularis Schwendinger, in Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 344, f. 3E-F, 14A-J, 15A-I, 16A-M, 17A-L (Dmf).
Titanidiops joida (Gupta, Das & Siliwal, 2013) | m f | India     []
Idiops joida Gupta, Das & Siliwal, in Gupta et al., 2013: 239, f. 1A-L, 2A-F (Dmf).
Titanidiops joida Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops lacustris (Pocock, 1897) | f | Tanzania     []
Acanthodon lacustris Pocock, 1897b: 731, pl. 41, f. 7 (Df).
Titanidiops lacustris Simon, 1903a: 890.
Titanidiops maroccanus Simon, 1909 | m f | Morocco     []
Titanidiops maroccanus Simon, 1909b: 6 (Df).
Titanidiops maroccanus Wunderlich, 1992a: 280, f. 4-6 (Dm, f, T from Idiops).
Titanidiops medini (Pratihar & Das, 2020) | f | India     []
Idiops medini Pratihar & Das, in Pratihar, Dandapat & Das, 2020: 208, f. 1-14 (Df).
Titanidiops medini Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops melloleitaoi Caporiacco, 1949 | f | Kenya     []
Titanidiops melloleitaoi Caporiacco, 1949a: 320 (Df).
Titanidiops nilagiri (Das & Diksha, 2019) | f | India     []
Idiops nilagiri Das & Diksha, in Das, Diksha & Khan, 2019: 679, f. 1, 2A-J, 3A-B (Df).
Titanidiops nilagiri Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops oriya (Siliwal, 2013) | f | India     []
Idiops oriya Siliwal, in Gupta et al., 2013: 247, f. 4A-e (Df).
Titanidiops oriya Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops pylorus (Schwendinger, 1991) | m f | Thailand     []
Idiops pylorus Schwendinger, 1991: 235, f. 13, 15, 17-18, 20 (Dmf).
Titanidiops pylorus Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 323, f. 3B, 4A-I, 5A-O (mf, T from Idiops).
Titanidiops robustus (Pocock, 1898) | f | Kenya     []
Acanthodon robustus Pocock, 1898g: 507 (Df).
Idiops robustus Roewer, 1942a: 154.
Titanidiops robustus Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops sayamensis Schwendinger & Hongpadharakiree, 2024 | m f | Myanmar, Thailand     []
Titanidiops sayamensis Schwendinger & Hongpadharakiree, in Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 335, f. 2I, 3D, 10A-O, 11A-O (Dmf).
Titanidiops syriacus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1870) | m | Syria, Israel     []
Idiops syriacus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1870c: 107, pl. 8, f. 3 (Dj).
Titanidiops syriacus Simon, 1903a: 890.
Idiops syracus Kritscher, 1957: 254, f. 1-3 (Dm, lapsus).
Titanidiops tenuis Schwendinger, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Titanidiops tenuis Schwendinger, in Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 332, f. 3C, 8A-J, 9A-N (Dmf).
Titanidiops vankhede (Siliwal, Hippargi, Yadav & Kumar, 2020) | m f | India     []
Idiops vankhede Siliwal et al., 2020: 16789, f. 26-44, image 5 (Dmf).
Titanidiops vankhede Schwendinger, Huber & Hongpadharakiree, 2024: 351 (T from Idiops).
Titanidiops yemenensis (Simon, 1890) | f | Yemen     []
Idiops yemenensis Simon, 1890a: 83 (Df).
Pachyidiops yemenensis Simon, 1903a: 890 (T from Idiops).
Pachidiops yemenensis Bonnet, 1958: 3274 (unjustified emendation).