World Spider Catalog Archive Version 19.5, generated on 2019-01-15
Family: Macrothelidae Simon,1892 []
N.B.: originally Macrotheleae, transferred from Hexathelidae and elavated to family level by Hedin et al., 2018: 4.
In synonymy:
Orientothele Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017 = Macrothele Ausserer, 1871 (Drolshagen, 2017: 282, T from Dipluridae)
Orientothele Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017 = Macrothele Ausserer, 1871 (Drolshagen, 2017: 282, T from Dipluridae)
Gen. Macrothele Ausserer, 1871
N.B.: Transferred from Dipluridae to Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a: 253 and to Macrothelidae by Hedin et al., 2018: 4. Orientothele Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017 [] (type Orientothele alyratus Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017) transferred from Dipluridae and synonymyzed with Macrothele by Drolshagen, 2017: 282.
Transferred to other genera:
Macrothele aculeata Urquhart, 1893 -- see Euoplos
Macrothele darcheni Benoit, 1966 -- see Heterothele
Macrothele sinensis Zhu & Mao, 1983 -- see Sinopesa
Macrothele aculeata Urquhart, 1893 -- see Euoplos
Macrothele darcheni Benoit, 1966 -- see Heterothele
Macrothele sinensis Zhu & Mao, 1983 -- see Sinopesa
In synonymy:
Macrothele luctuosa (Lucas, 1855) = Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer, 1805) (Blasco & Ferrández, 1986: 314, Snazell, 1986b: 82).
Macrothele luctuosa (Lucas, 1855) = Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer, 1805) (Blasco & Ferrández, 1986: 314, Snazell, 1986b: 82).
Nomina nuda:
Macrothele makii Kishida -- Yaginuma, in Brignoli, 1983c: 122.
Macrothele ornata Kishida -- Yaginuma, in Brignoli, 1983c: 122.
Macrothele makii Kishida -- Yaginuma, in Brignoli, 1983c: 122.
Macrothele ornata Kishida -- Yaginuma, in Brignoli, 1983c: 122.
Macrothele abrupta
Benoit, 1965 |
| Congo

Macrothele alyrata
(Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017) |
| India

Orientothele alyratus Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017: 34, f. 1, 2A-D, 3A-E, 4A-D, 5A-D (Df).
Macrothele alyrata Drolshagen, 2017: 282 (T from Orientothele, Dipluridae).
Macrothele alyrata Drolshagen, 2017: 282 (T from Orientothele, Dipluridae).
Macrothele amamiensis
Shimojana & Haupt, 1998 |
| Japan (Ryukyu Is.)

Macrothele amamiensis Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 10, f. 3-4, 12, 18-19, 25 (Dmf).
Macrothele amamiensis Shimojana, 2009: 95, f. 1, 14-19 (mf).
Macrothele amamiensis Shimojana, 2009: 95, f. 1, 14-19 (mf).
Macrothele bannaensis
Xu & Yin, 2001 |
| China, Laos

Macrothele bannaensis Xu & Yin, 2001b: 66, f. I.1-6 (Df).
Macrothele bannaensis Yin et al., 2012: 138, f. 15a-f (f).
Macrothele bannaensis Li & Zha, 2013: 779, f. 17-30 (f, Dm).
Macrothele bannaensis Yin et al., 2012: 138, f. 15a-f (f).
Macrothele bannaensis Li & Zha, 2013: 779, f. 17-30 (f, Dm).
Macrothele calpeiana
(Walckenaer, 1805) *
| Spain, Italy, North Africa

Mygale calpeiana Walckenaer, 1805: 5, pl. 1, f. 1-2 (Df).
Mygale calpeiana Hahn, 1822: 1, pl. 8, f. a-b.
Mygale luctuosa Lucas, 1855: 17, pl. 5, f. 1-2 (Df).
Diplura calpeiana Thorell, 1870b: 167.
Macrothele calpetana Ausserer, 1871a: 181.
Macrothele luctuosa Ausserer, 1871a: 182.
Macrothele calpetana Simon, 1892a: 184, f. 125 (f).
Macrothele calpetana Blasco & Ferrández, 1986: 314, f. 1-2 (f, Dm, S).
Macrothele calpeiana Snazell, 1986b: 82 (S).
Macrothele calpeiana Snazell & Allison, 1989: 65, f. 1-4, 8 (mf).
Macrothele calpeiana Le Peru, 2011: 64, f. 22 (mf).
Mygale calpeiana Hahn, 1822: 1, pl. 8, f. a-b.
Mygale luctuosa Lucas, 1855: 17, pl. 5, f. 1-2 (Df).
Diplura calpeiana Thorell, 1870b: 167.
Macrothele calpetana Ausserer, 1871a: 181.
Macrothele luctuosa Ausserer, 1871a: 182.
Macrothele calpetana Simon, 1892a: 184, f. 125 (f).
Macrothele calpetana Blasco & Ferrández, 1986: 314, f. 1-2 (f, Dm, S).
Macrothele calpeiana Snazell, 1986b: 82 (S).
Macrothele calpeiana Snazell & Allison, 1989: 65, f. 1-4, 8 (mf).
Macrothele calpeiana Le Peru, 2011: 64, f. 22 (mf).
Macrothele camerunensis
Simon, 1903 |
| Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea

Macrothele camerunensis Simon, 1903e: 66 (Df).
Macrothele cangshanensis
Z. B. Yang, Zhao, Zhang & Z. Z. Yang, 2018 |
| China

Macrothele cangshanensis Yang et al., 2018: 97, f. 1A-V (Dm).
Macrothele cretica
Kulczyński, 1903 |
| Greece (Crete)

Macrothele cretica Kulczyński, 1903a: 35, pl. 1, f. 1 (Dm).
Macrothele cretica Snazell & Allison, 1989: 70, f. 5-7 (m).
Macrothele cretica Le Peru, 2011: 64, f. 23 (m).
Macrothele cretica Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 271, f. 1A-E, 2A-E (m, Df).
Macrothele cretica Snazell & Allison, 1989: 70, f. 5-7 (m).
Macrothele cretica Le Peru, 2011: 64, f. 23 (m).
Macrothele cretica Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 271, f. 1A-E, 2A-E (m, Df).
Macrothele decemnotata
Simon, 1909 |
| Vietnam

Macrothele decemnotata Simon, 1909e: 72 (Dm).
Macrothele gigas
Shimojana & Haupt, 1998 |
| Japan (Ryukyu Is.), Taiwan

Macrothele gigas Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 5, f. 9-10, 15, 20 (Dmf).
Macrothele gigas Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 1-2, 4A-B (f).
Macrothele gigas Shimojana, 2009: 94, f. 1-7 (mf).
Macrothele gigas Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 1-2, 4A-B (f).
Macrothele gigas Shimojana, 2009: 94, f. 1-7 (mf).
Macrothele guizhouensis
Hu & Li, 1986 |
| China

Macrothele guizhouensis Hu & Li, 1986: 35, f. 1-7 (Df).
Macrothele guizhouensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 36, f. 17C (f).
Macrothele guizhouensis Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 3D (f).
Macrothele guizhouensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 36, f. 17C (f).
Macrothele guizhouensis Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 3D (f).
Macrothele holsti
Pocock, 1901 |
| Taiwan

Macrothele holsti Pocock, 1901e: 214, pl. 21, f. 5 (Dm).
Macrothele holsti Yoshida, 1978b: 9, f. 36 (m).
Macrothele holsti Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 2, f. 1-2, 11, 21-22 (m, Df).
Macrothele holsti Yoshida, 1978b: 9, f. 36 (m).
Macrothele holsti Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 2, f. 1-2, 11, 21-22 (m, Df).
Macrothele hunanica
Zhu & Song, 2000 |
| China

Macrothele hunanica Zhu & Song, 2000b: 60, f. 1A-I (Dmf).
Macrothele incisa
Benoit, 1965 |
| Congo

Macrothele jinlin
Z. B. Yang, Zhao, Zhang & Z. Z. Yang, 2018 |
| China

Macrothele jinlin Yang et al., 2018: 100, f. 2A-V (Dm).
Macrothele maculata
(Thorell, 1890) |
| Myanmar, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java)

Diplura maculata Thorell, 1890a: 409 (Df).
Macrothele fuliginea Simon, 1891e: 306 (Df).
Macrothele maculata Thorell, 1897a: 184.
Macrothele variabilis Pavesi, 1898b: 94 (Df).
Macrothele maculata Kulczyński, 1908d: 538, pl. 23, f. 8 (Df).
Macrothele fuliginea Simon, 1891e: 306 (Df).
Macrothele maculata Thorell, 1897a: 184.
Macrothele variabilis Pavesi, 1898b: 94 (Df).
Macrothele maculata Kulczyński, 1908d: 538, pl. 23, f. 8 (Df).
Macrothele maculata annamensis
Hogg, 1922 |
| Vietnam

Macrothele maculata annamensis Hogg, 1922: 285 (Df).
Macrothele menglunensis
Li & Zha, 2013 |
| China

Macrothele menglunensis Li & Zha, 2013: 776, f. 1-16 (Dmf).
Macrothele monocirculata
Xu & Yin, 2000 |
| China

Macrothele monocirculata Xu & Yin, 2000b: 200, f. 1-11 (Dmf).
Macrothele monocirculata Yin, 2001b: 2, f. 6A-K (mf).
Macrothele monocirculata Yin et al., 2012: 140, f. 6a-k, 3-18a-b (mf).
Macrothele monocirculata Yin, 2001b: 2, f. 6A-K (mf).
Macrothele monocirculata Yin et al., 2012: 140, f. 6a-k, 3-18a-b (mf).
Macrothele palpator
Pocock, 1901 |
| China, Hong Kong

Macrothele palpator Pocock, 1901e: 213, pl. 21, f. 4 (Dmf).
Macrothele palpator Hu & Li, 1986: 37, f. 8-11 (mf).
Macrothele papator Feng, 1990: 27, f. 2.1-5 (mf).
Macrothele palpator Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 39, f. 17D-F (mf).
Macrothele palpator Yin et al., 2012: 142, f. 17a-f (mf).
Macrothele palpator Hu & Li, 1986: 37, f. 8-11 (mf).
Macrothele papator Feng, 1990: 27, f. 2.1-5 (mf).
Macrothele palpator Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 39, f. 17D-F (mf).
Macrothele palpator Yin et al., 2012: 142, f. 17a-f (mf).
Macrothele proserpina
Simon, 1909 |
| Vietnam

Macrothele proserpina Simon, 1909e: 71 (Df).
Macrothele raveni
Zhu, Li & Song, 2000 |
| China

Macrothele raveni Zhu, Li & Song, 2000: 358, f. 1A-M, 2 (Dmf).
Macrothele raveni Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 3C (f).
Macrothele raveni Haupt, 2008: 20, f. 3C (f).
Macrothele segmentata
Simon, 1892 |
| Malaysia

Macrothele segmentata Simon, 1892d: 284 (Df).
Macrothele simplicata
(Saito, 1933) |
| Taiwan

Ischnothele simplicata Saito, 1933b: 34, pl. 3, f. 3 (Df).
Macrothele simplicata Saito, 1959: 32, f. 3a-e (Tf from Ischnothele).
Macrothele simplicata Yoshida, 1978b: 9, f. 33-35 (f).
Macrothele simplicata Saito, 1959: 32, f. 3a-e (Tf from Ischnothele).
Macrothele simplicata Yoshida, 1978b: 9, f. 33-35 (f).
Macrothele taiwanensis
Shimojana & Haupt, 1998 |
| Taiwan

Macrothele taiwanensis Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 7, f. 5-6, 13, 16, 23 (Dmf).
Macrothele triangularis
Benoit, 1965 |
| Congo

Macrothele triangularis Benoit, 1965a: 125, f. 9 (Df).
Macrothele variabiis
Pavesi, 1898 |
| Indonesia (Java)

Macrothele variabiis Pavesi, 1898b: 94 (Df).
Macrothele vidua
Simon, 1906 |
| India

Macrothele yaginumai
Shimojana & Haupt, 1998 |
| Japan (Ryukyu Is.)

Macrothele yaginumai Shimojana & Haupt, 1998: 11, f. 7-8, 14, 17, 24 (Dmf).
Macrothele yaginumai Shimojana, 2009: 94, f. 1, 8-13 (mf).
Macrothele yaginumai Shimojana, 2009: 94, f. 1, 8-13 (mf).
Macrothele yani
Xu, Yin & Griswold, 2002 |
| China

Macrothele yani Xu, Yin & Griswold, 2002: 116, f. 1-7 (Df).
Macrothele yani Shi et al., 2018: 104, f. 1A-B, 2A-V, 3A-L (Dm, f).
Macrothele yani Shi et al., 2018: 104, f. 1A-B, 2A-V, 3A-L (Dm, f).
Macrothele yunnanica
Zhu & Song, 2000 |
| China

Macrothele yunnanica Zhu & Song, 2000b: 62, f. 2A-J (Dmf).