World Spider Catalog Archive Version 23.0, generated on 2022-06-15

Family: Hexathelidae Simon,1892 [] Detail
N.B.: Elevated to family status and relimited by Raven, 1980a: 252, new circumscription by Hedin et al., 2018: 5.
Transferred to other families:
Atrax O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877 -- see Atracidae
Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873 -- see Atracidae
Illawarra Gray, 2010 -- see Atracidae
Macrothele Ausserer, 1871 -- see Macrothelidae
Porrhothele Simon, 1892 -- see Porrhothelidae
Homonym replaced:
Terania Raven, 1980 -- see Teranodes
Gen. Bymainiella Raven, 1978 [] Detail
type Hexathele terraereginae Raven, 1976; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a: 253.
Transferred to other genera:
Bymainiella boycei Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella boydi Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella brindabella Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella cannoni Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella grayi Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella montana (Hickman, 1927) -- see Teranodes
Bymainiella montisbossi Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella otwayensis Raven, 1978 -- see Teranodes
Bymainiella tubrabucca Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella variabilis Raven, 1978 -- see Paraembolides
Bymainiella lugubris Raven, 1978 | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella lugubris Raven, 1978: 56, f. 93-94, 99-101, 110, 113-114, 120 (Dmf).
Bymainiella monteithi Raven, 1978 | m f | Australia (Queensland, New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella monteithi Raven, 1978: 62, f. 95-96, 102-105, 111, 115-116, 121 (Dmf).
Bymainiella polesoni Raven, 1978 | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella polesoni Raven, 1978: 66, f. 97-98, 106-109, 112, 117-119, 122-124 (Dmf).
Bymainiella terraereginae (Raven, 1976) * | m f | Australia (Queensland, New South Wales)     []
Hexathele terraereginae Raven, 1976: 53, f. 1a-h, 2a-d, g-l (Dmf).
Bymainiella terraereginae Raven, 1978: 72 (Tmf from Hexathele).
Gen. Hexathele Ausserer, 1871 [] Detail
type Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a: 253.
Transferred to other genera:
Hexathele fentoni Hickman, 1936 -- see Plesiothele
Hexathele montana Hickman, 1927 -- see Teranodes
Hexathele terraereginae Raven, 1976 -- see Bymainiella
In synonymy:
Hexathele sandersoni Todd, 1945 = Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871 (Forster, 1968: 140).
Hexathele websteri Hogg, 1908 = Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871 (Chamberlain, 1944: 75).
Hexathele cantuaria Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele cantuaria Forster, 1968: 158, f. 510 (Df).
Hexathele cavernicola Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele cavernicola Forster, 1968: 150, f. 491 (Df).
Hexathele exemplar Parrott, 1960 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele exemplar Parrott, 1960: 200, f. 2-3, pl. 6 (Dmf).
Hexathele exemplar Forster, 1968: 154, f. 494, 502 (mf).
Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871 * | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871a: 172, pl. 1, f. 4-6 (Df).
Hexathele hochstetteri L. Koch, 1873: 459, pl. 35, f. 7 (f).
Hexathele hochstetteri Simon, 1892a: 188, f. 126.
Hexathele hochstetteri Hogg, 1901: 276, f. 41 (f, Dm).
Hexathele websteri Hogg, 1908: 337, f. 73 (Df).
Hexathele hochstetteri Chamberlain, 1944: 75 (S).
Hexathele hochstetteri Todd, 1945: 396, f. 19, 23, 34, 47, 62, 68 (mf).
Hexathele sandersoni Todd, 1945: 397, f. 20, 24, 35, 48, 63 (Dmf).
Hexathele hochstetteri Forster, 1968: 140, f. 12, 474-475, 479, 501 (f, S).
Hexathele hochstetteri Gertsch & Platnick, 1979: 7, f. 23-24.
Hexathele huka Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele huka Forster, 1968: 151, f. 472-473, 477, 493 (Df).
Hexathele huttoni Hogg, 1908 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele huttoni Hogg, 1908: 337 (D).
Hexathele huttoni Forster, 1968: 145, f. 481, 490, 504-505 (mf, removed from S of H. hochstetteri, contra Chamberlain, 1944: 75 and Todd, 1945: 396; N.B.: omitted by Roewer).
Hexathele kohua Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele kohua Forster, 1968: 141, f. 476, 485, 499 (Dmf).
Hexathele maitaia Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele maitaia Forster, 1968: 154, f. 462, 469, 480, 487 (Df).
Hexathele nigra Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele nigra Forster, 1968: 156, f. 494, 506, 512 (Dmf).
Hexathele otira Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele otira Forster, 1968: 155, f. 2, 478, 482, 508, 514 (Dmf).
Hexathele para Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele para Forster, 1968: 143, f. 484, 500 (Dmf).
Hexathele petriei Goyen, 1887 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele petreii Goyen, 1887: 207 (Dmf; N.B.: patronym for M. Petrie).
Hexathele petriei Forster, 1968: 160, f. 483, 517, 521-525, 528 (mf, not a synonym of H. hochstetteri, contra Chamberlain, 1944 and Todd, 1945: 396).
Hexathele pukea Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele pukea Forster, 1968: 148, f. 492 (Df).
Hexathele putuna Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele putuna Forster, 1968: 150, f. 488 (Df).
Hexathele ramsayi Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele ramsayi Forster, 1968: 157, f. 10, 493, 507, 511 (Dmf).
Hexathele rupicola Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele rupicola Forster, 1968: 164, f. 518-520, 526-527 (Df).
Hexathele taumara Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele taumara Forster, 1968: 152, f. 497, 503 (Dmf).
Hexathele waipa Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele waipa Forster, 1968: 159, f. 509, 513 (Df).
Hexathele waita Forster, 1968 | f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele waita Forster, 1968: 152, f. 489 (Df).
Hexathele wiltoni Forster, 1968 | m f | New Zealand     []
Hexathele wiltoni Forster, 1968: 145, f. 486, 498 (Dmf).
Gen. Mediothele Raven & Platnick, 1978 [] Detail
type Mediothele australis Raven & Platnick, 1978; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred here from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1985a: 71.
Mediothele anae Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Mediothele anae Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 47, f. 53-58 (Df).
Mediothele australis Raven & Platnick, 1978 * | m f | Chile     []
Mediothele australis Raven & Platnick, 1978: 74, f. 1-7 (Dm).
Mediothele australis Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 41, f. 25-32 (Df).
Mediothele lagos Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Mediothele lagos Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 47, f. 59-64 (Df).
Mediothele linares Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Mediothele linares Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 44, f. 39-46 (Df).
Mediothele minima Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Mediothele minima Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 42, f. 33-38 (Df).
Mediothele nahuelbuta Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Mediothele nahuelbuta Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 45, f. 47-52 (Df).
Gen. Paraembolides Raven, 1980 [] Detail
type Bymainiella boycei Raven, 1978; gender feminine
Paraembolides boycei (Raven, 1978) * | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Bymainiella boycei Raven, 1978: 16, f. 6, 13-14, 19-20, 44, 52-53, 66-68 (Dmf).
Paraembolides boycei Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides boydi (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella boydi Raven, 1978: 22, f. 7, 15, 23-26, 45, 54-56, 69-70 (Dmf).
Paraembolides boydi Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides brindabella (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory)     []
Bymainiella brindabella Raven, 1978: 26, f. 8, 16, 27-30, 46, 57, 71 (Dmf).
Paraembolides brindabella Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides cannoni (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Bymainiella cannoni Raven, 1978: 34, f. 10, 35-38, 48-49, 60-61 (Dmf).
Paraembolides cannoni Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides grayi (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella grayi Raven, 1978: 39, f. 11, 39-40, 50, 62-63, 73 (Dmf).
Paraembolides grayi Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides montisbossi (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella montisbossi Raven, 1978: 42, f. 12, 18, 41-43, 51, 64-65, 74 (Dmf).
Paraembolides montisbossi Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides tubrabucca (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella tubrabucca Raven, 1978: 52, f. 78-83, 87, 89-90 (Dmf).
Paraembolides tubrabucca Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Paraembolides variabilis (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Bymainiella variabilis Raven, 1978: 31, f. 9, 17, 31-34, 47, 58-59, 72 (Dmf).
Paraembolides variabilis Raven, 1980a: 254 (Tmf from Bymainiella).
Gen. Plesiothele Raven, 1978 [] Detail
type Hexathele fentoni Hickman, 1936; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a: 256.
Plesiothele fentoni (Hickman, 1936) * | m f | Australia (Tasmania)     []
Hexathele fentoni Hickman, 1936: 132, f. 1 (Dmf).
Plesiothele fentoni Raven, 1978: 10, f. 75 (Tmf from Hexathele).
Plesiothele fentoni Gertsch & Platnick, 1979: 7, f. 25-26.
Plesiothele fentoni Raven, 1985a: 71, f. 13-14.
Gen. Scotinoecus Simon, 1892 [] Detail
type Hexathele cinereopilosa Simon, 1889; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a:253.
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus (Simon, 1889) * | m f | Chile     []
Hexathele cinereo-pilosa Simon, 1889a: 222 (Df).
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Simon, 1892a: 188.
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1968a: 318, f. 9-12 (f).
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Gertsch & Platnick, 1979: 7, f. 27-28.
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Legendre & Calderón, 1984: 1056, pl. XIX, f. 1-18 (f only; not m, =S. major).
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 34, f. 1-2, 7-13, 16-18 (f, Dm).
Scotinoecus fasciatus Tullgren, 1901 | m f | Chile, Argentina     []
Scotinoecus fasciatus Tullgren, 1901b: 183 (Dj).
Scotinoecus fasciatus Carbonell, 1924: 184 (Df).
Scotinoecus fasciatus Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1968a: 319, f. 1-8 (m, Dm).
Scotinoecus fasciatus Legendre & Calderón, 1984: 1059, pl. XX, f. 1-14 (mf).
Scotinoecus fasciatus Grismado & Goloboff, 2014a: 97, f. 9-10 (mf).
Scotinoecus major Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | m f | Chile     []
Scotinoecus cinereopilosus Calderón, 1973: 238, f. 1-7 (m, misidentified).
Scotinoecus major Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 39, f. 5-6, 15, 21-24 (Dmf).
Scotinoecus ruiles Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 | f | Chile     []
Scotinoecus ruiles Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 38, f. 3-4, 14, 19-20 (Df).
Gen. Teranodes Raven, 1985 [] Detail
type Hexathele montana Hickman, 1927; gender masculine
N.B.: replacement name for Terania Raven, 1980a: 253 [], preoccupied in Hemiptera by Pirán, 1963.
Teranodes montanus (Hickman, 1927) * | m f | Australia (Tasmania, Victoria)     []
Hexathele montanus Hickman, 1927: 73, pl. 8, o, f. 13-16 (Dmf).
Hexathele montanus Hickman, 1929: 100, pl. 16, f. 1-2.
Hexathele montana Hickman, 1967: 18, f. 22-23 (m).
Hexathele montana Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1968a: 316, f. 13 (f).
Bymainiella montana Raven, 1978: 46, f. 76, 84-85, 88 (Tmf from Hexathele).
Terania montana Raven, 1980a: 253 (T from Bymainiella).
Teranodes otwayensis (Raven, 1978) | m f | Australia (Victoria)     []
Bymainiella otwayensis Raven, 1978: 48, f. 77, 86, 91-92 (Dmf).
Terania otwayensis Raven, 1980a: 254 (T from Bymainiella).