The World Spider Catalog, Version 5.5
by Norman I. Platnick

© Copyright 2000 — 2005 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
Title Page Introduction Families Counts Bibliography Generic List

FAM. HOLARCHAEIDAE Forster & Platnick, 1984

Last updated Dec. 21, 2004

N.B.: established by Forster & Platnick, 1984: 71; considered a subfamily of Archaeidae by Wunderlich (1986) and Eskov (1987c), a subgroup of Mimetidae by Wunderlich, 2004i: 1257.

Gen. Holarchaea Forster, 1955

H. Forster, 1955b: 392, type Archaea novaeseelandiae Forster, 1949; transferred here from the Archaeidae by Forster & Platnick, 1984: 71.

f globosa (Hickman, 1981)....................Tasmania
Zearchaea globosa Hickman, 1981: 47, f. 1-5 (Df).
H. g. Forster & Platnick, 1984: 76 (Tf from Zearchaea).

mf novaeseelandiae (Forster, 1949) *....................New Zealand
Archaea n. Forster, 1949: 200, f. 16-24 (Dmf).
H. n. Forster, 1955b: 392 (Tmf from Eriauchenius).
H. n. Forster & Platnick, 1984: 76, f. 239-259 (mf).