Family: Megadictynidae Lehtinen,1967 []
N.B. Extracted from Dictynidae by Lehtinen, 1967: 247. Synonymized with Nicodamidae by Forster, 1970b: 177. Family status re-established by Dimitrov et al., 2017: 239 and assigned to Nicodamoidea; family status already assumend by Murphy & Roberts, 2015: ix.
Gen. Forstertyna Harvey, 1995 []
type Megadictyna marplesi Forster, 1970
N.B.: Transferred from Nicodamidae to Megadictynidae by Dimitrov et al., 2017: 239, already assumend by Murphy & Roberts, 2015: ix.
Forstertyna marplesi
(Forster, 1970) *
| New Zealand

Megadictyna marplesi Forster, 1970b: 181, f. 531-534 (Dmf).
Forstertyna marplesi Harvey, 1995: 382, f. 199-200 (Tf from Megadictyna; N.B.: m of Forster, 1970 =Megadictyna thilenii).
Forstertyna marplesi Harvey, 1995: 382, f. 199-200 (Tf from Megadictyna; N.B.: m of Forster, 1970 =Megadictyna thilenii).
Gen. Megadictyna Dahl, 1906 []
type Megadictyna thilenii Dahl, 1906
N.B.: Considered a senior synonym of Ihurakius Marples, 1959: 359, type I. forsteri Marples, 1959 (= M. thilenii Dahl, 1906). Transferred from Nicodamidae to Megadictynidae by Dimitrov et al., 2017: 239, already assumend by Murphy & Roberts, 2015: ix.
In synonymy:
Megadictyna forsteri (Marples, 1959) = Megadictyna thilenii Dahl, 1906 (Forster in Lehtinen, 1967: 240).
Megadictyna forsteri (Marples, 1959) = Megadictyna thilenii Dahl, 1906 (Forster in Lehtinen, 1967: 240).
Megadictyna thilenii
Dahl, 1906 *
| New Zealand

Megadictyna thilenii Dahl, 1906b: 63 (Df).
Ihurakius forsteri Marples, 1959b: 359, f. III.2-3 (Dmf).
Megadictyna thileniusi Lehtinen, 1967: 240, f. 18 (f, S).
Megadictyna thileniusi Forster, 1970b: 178, f. 20, 505, 518-530 (mf).
Megadictyna thileniusi Coddington, 1990: 10, f. 31 (m).
Megadictyna thilenii Harvey, 1995: 378, f. 193-198 (mf; N.B.: Bonnet's emendation to thileniusi considered invalid).
Megadictyna thilenii Griswold et al., 2005: 32, f. 171A-C (m).
Megadictyna thilenii Paquin, Vink & Dupérré, 2010: 63, f. 35.1-4 (mf).
Megadictyna thilenii Polotow, Carmichael & Griswold, 2015: 142, f. 10D, 13A (m).
Ihurakius forsteri Marples, 1959b: 359, f. III.2-3 (Dmf).
Megadictyna thileniusi Lehtinen, 1967: 240, f. 18 (f, S).
Megadictyna thileniusi Forster, 1970b: 178, f. 20, 505, 518-530 (mf).
Megadictyna thileniusi Coddington, 1990: 10, f. 31 (m).
Megadictyna thilenii Harvey, 1995: 378, f. 193-198 (mf; N.B.: Bonnet's emendation to thileniusi considered invalid).
Megadictyna thilenii Griswold et al., 2005: 32, f. 171A-C (m).
Megadictyna thilenii Paquin, Vink & Dupérré, 2010: 63, f. 35.1-4 (mf).
Megadictyna thilenii Polotow, Carmichael & Griswold, 2015: 142, f. 10D, 13A (m).