Taxon details

Walckenaeria nudipalpis (Westring, 1851)

  • Rank: Species
  • Status: accepted
  • Described: m f
  • Last updated: 2024-03-09
  • LSID: []
  • Distribution: Europe, Azerbaijan, Russia (Europe to Far East), Japan
Type deposit: provide information
Taxonomic references
Erigone nudipalpis Westring, 1851: 40 (Dmf).
Tmeticus spinipalpis Menge, 1868: 190, pl. 36, f. 89 (Dm) [].
Erigone nudipalpis Thorell, 1871a: 102 (S of Tmeticus spinipalpis).
Neriene nudipalpis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873b: 455, pl. 35, f. 29 (m).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881a: 445.
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Simon, 1884a: 817, f. 746-747 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Simon, 1894a: 624, f. 701 (m).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Becker, 1896: 158, pl. 12, f. 11 (mf).
Walckenaera nudipalpis Smith, 1901a: 266, f. 2f (m).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Bösenberg, 1902: 145, pl. 13, f. 193 (mf).
Jacksonia nudipalpis Smith, 1905a: 245, p. 5.
Trachynotus nudipalpis Simon, 1926: 413, 507, f. 733 (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Brændegaard, 1932: 19.
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Miller, 1947: 29, pl. VII, f. 1 (f).
Trachynella nudipalpis Locket & Millidge, 1953: 199, f. 123A-B, E-F (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Tullgren, 1955: 361, f. 63a-d (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Brændegaard, 1958: 41, f. 31-32 (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Wiehle, 1960a: 173, f. 301-305 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Merrett, 1963b: 425, f. 105A-B (m).
Trachynella nudipalpis Tystshenko, 1971: 252, f. 866, 869 (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Miller, 1971: 261, pl. LIII, f. 25-26 (mf).
Trachynella nudipalpis Palmgren, 1976: 106, f. 22.17-20 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Millidge, 1977: 30, f. 112 (m).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Roberts, 1987: 28, f. 3a (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Tanasevitch, 1990: 109, f. 23.34, 24.27 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 272, f. 728 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Agnarsson, 1996: 75, f. 64A-B (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Růžička & Bryja, 2000: 138, f. 19 (f).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 288, f. 418-421 (mf).
Walckenaeria nudipalpis Suzuki et al., 2021: 253, f. 3e-f (f).

Agnarsson, I. (1996). Íslenskar köngulær. Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar 31: 1-175. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Becker, L. (1896). Les arachnides de Belgique, deuxième et troisième parties. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 12(2): 1-127, pl. 1-25 & 12(3): 1-378, pl. 1-18. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721 download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Bösenberg, W. (1902). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. II-IV. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(2-4): 97-384, pl. 9-36. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508 download pdf download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Brændegaard, J. (1932). Araneae. In: Isländische Spinnentiere. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar (5) B2(7): 8-36. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Brændegaard, J. (1958). Araneida. In: The Zoology of Iceland. Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen 3(54), 1-113. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Locket, G. H. & Millidge, A. F. (1953). British spiders. Vol. II. Ray Society, London, 449 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Menge, A. (1868). Preussische Spinnen. II. Abtheilung. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 2: 153-218, pl. 29-43 (f. 117). download pdf -- Show included taxa

Merrett, P. (1963b). The palpus of male spiders of the family Linyphiidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 140(3): 347-467. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1963.tb01867.x download pdf -- Show included taxa

Miller, F. (1947). Pavoučí zvířena hadcových stepí u Mohelna. Archiv Svazu na Výzkum a Ochranu Přírody i Krajiny v Zemi Moravskoslezské 7: 1-107. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Millidge, A. F. (1977). The conformation of the male palpal organs of linyphiid spiders, and its application to the taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis of the family (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 1-60. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Ono, H., Matsuda, M. & Saito, H. (2009). Linyphiidae, Pimoidae. In: Ono, H. (ed.) The spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, pp. 253-344. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Palmgren, P. (1976). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands und Ostfennoskandiens. VII. Linyphiidae 2 (Micryphantinae, mit Ausnahme der Linyphiindae-ähnlichen). Fauna Fennica 29: 1-126. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1873b). On British spiders. A supplement to a communication (On British spiders new to acience), etc... read before the Linnean Society, January 20th, 1870. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 28(3): 433-458, pl. 33-35. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1873.tb00225.x download pdf -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1881a). The spiders of Dorset, with an appendix containing short descriptions of those British species not yet found in Dorsetshire. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 2: 237-625. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roberts, M. J. (1987). The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 2: Linyphiidae and check list. Harley Books, Colchester, England, 204 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Růžička, V. & Bryja, V. (2000). Females of Walckenaeria-species (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Purkynianae Studia Biologica 4: 135-147. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1884a). Les arachnides de France. Tome cinquième, deuxième et troisième partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 180-885, pl. 26-27. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1894a). Histoire naturelle des araignées. Deuxième édition, tome premier. Roret, Paris, pp. 489-760. [second pdf with detailed publication dates of the single parts] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.51973 download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1926). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 2e partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 309-532. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Smith, F. P. (1905a). The spiders of the Walckenaeria-Group. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 9(57): 239-246. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Smith, F. P. (1901a). An introduction to British spiders [continued]. Science-Gossip New Series 7(80, 81, 82, 83, 84): 235-236, 265-267, 303-304, 333-334, 358-360. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Suzuki, Y., Matsushima, R., Mukomine, R. & Watanabe, R. (2021). [Spiders collected in Hokkaido]. Kishidaia 118: 245-257. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tanasevitch, A. V. (1990). The spider family Linyphiidae in the fauna of the Caucasus (Arachnida, Aranei). In: B. R. Striganova (ed.) Fauna nazemnykh bespozvonochnykh Kavkaza. Akademia Nauk, Moscow, pp. 5-114. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Thorell, T. (1871a). Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. Part II. C. J. Lundström, Uppsala, pp. 97-228. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.69282 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1955). Zur Kenntnis schwedischer Erigoniden. Arkiv för Zoologi (N.S.) 7(20, 1954): 295-389, pl. 1-29. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tystshenko, V. P. (1971). Opredelitel' paukov evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad, 281 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Westring, N. (1851). Förteckning öfver de till närvarande tid Kände, i Sverige förekommande Spindlarter, utgörande ett antal af 253, deraf 132 äro nya för svenska Faunan. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar 2: 25-62. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Wiehle, H. (1960a). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). XI. Micryphantidae – Zwergspinnen. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 47: 1-620. download pdf -- Show included taxa

External Resource References

* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases. They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources, however, are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement with the World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]

Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2021-05-03 New taxonomic reference entry Suzuki et al., 2021 n/a
2020-11-24 New taxonomic reference entry Smith, 1901a n/a