Family: Pisauridae Simon, 1890 []
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N.B.: placement of some nursery-web spiders in a separate family Dolomedidae Simon, 1898a: 281, 301 (Lehtinen, 1967) [but Dolomedinae was first used by Simon, 1876a: 226, which makes it older than Pisauridae, overlooked by Bonnet, 1956: 1543] was rejected by Sierwald, 1990: 50, who also recognized a "Trechalea genus group [that] is not a close relative of the nursery-web Pisauridae" and whose members are now listed under Trechaleidae; considered a synonym of Bradystichidae Simon, 1884e: 298 (removed from the synonymy of Lycosidae by Lehtinen, 1967: 293) by Platnick & Forster, 1993: 3 and of Halidae Jocqué, 1994b: 281 by Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 212; probably includes Senoculidae (Murphy & Roberts, 2015: ix); mentioning of "Dolomediens" by Simon, 1864: 342, but the French ending -iens was not accepted as taxon at familiar level by Bonnet and Platnick, and this is continued here; the family is not monophyletic per Kulkarni, Wood & Hormiga, 2023: 518, f. 17-18.
Status: accepted
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Described in
Simon, 1890a: 82
Number of valid genera: 52
Number of valid species: 365

Simon, E. (1890a). Etudes arachnologiques. 22e Mémoire. XXXIV. Etude sur les arachnides de l'Yemen. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 10: 77-124. download pdf

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