Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 [] Detail
Gen. Mecopisthes Simon, 1926 [] Detail
type Erigone sila O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873; gender masculine
N.B.: Lecigne, 2014: 26 (f. 19A-B) shows an unidentified f.
Transferred to other genera:
Mecopisthes dahli (Lessert, 1909) -- see Hypsocephalus
Mecopisthes huberti Millidge, 1975 -- see Hypsocephalus
Mecopisthes nesiotes (Simon, 1914) -- see Hypsocephalus
Mecopisthes paulae (Simon, 1918) -- see Hypsocephalus
Mecopisthes perpusillus Miller, 1966 -- see Hypsocephalus
Mecopisthes pusillus (Menge, 1869) -- see Hypsocephalus
Nomen dubium:
Mecopisthes pictonicus Denis, 1950a: 254, f. 3-4 (f, France) -- Lecigne et al., 2022: 15.
Mecopisthes alter Thaler, 1991 | m f | Italy     []
Mecopisthes alter Thaler, 1991a: 172, f. 22-27, 29-34 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes alter Wunderlich, 2008e: 688, f. 17 (m).
Mecopisthes crassirostris (Simon, 1884) | m f | Portugal, France     []
Cnephalocotes crassirostris Simon, 1884a: 707, f. 571-573 (Dm).
Cnephalocotes crassirostris Simon, 1894a: 650, f. 627-628 (m).
Mecopisthes crassirostris Simon, 1926: 351, 486, f. 615-616 (m, Df).
Mecopisthes crassirostris Denis, 1950a: 255, f. 5 (f).
Mecopisthes crassirostris Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 3, 12 (m).
Mecopisthes crassirostris Bosmans, Cardoso & Crespo, 2010: 29, f. 50-56 (mf).
Mecopisthes daiarum Bosmans, 1994 | m f | Algeria     []
Mecopisthes daiarum Bosmans, in Bosmans & Chergui, 1994: 344, f. 1-8, 23 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes jacquelinae Bosmans, 1994 | m f | Morocco     []
Mecopisthes jacquelinae Bosmans, in Bosmans & Chergui, 1994: 352, f. 26-28 (Df).
Mecopisthes jacquelinae Bosmans, 2007: 131, f. 96-102 (f, Dm).
Mecopisthes latinus Millidge, 1978 | m f | Switzerland, Italy     []
Mecopisthes latinus Millidge, 1978a: 116, f. 4-6, 13, 17, 21-22 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes latinus van Helsdingen, 1982b: 170, f. 15-17 (m).
Mecopisthes latinus Hänggi, 1990: 157, f. 8-10 (f).
Mecopisthes millidgei Wunderlich, 1995 | m | Italy (Sardinia)     []
Mecopisthes millidgei Wunderlich, 1995a: 370, f. 31-36 (Dm).
Mecopisthes monticola Bosmans, 1994 | m f | Algeria     []
Mecopisthes monticola Bosmans, in Bosmans & Chergui, 1994: 346, f. 9-15, 24 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes nasutus Wunderlich, 1995 | m f | Greece (incl. Crete)     []
Mecopisthes nasutus Wunderlich, 1995t: 664, f. 55-62 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes nasutus Bosmans et al., 2013: 13, f. 11-17 (mf).
Mecopisthes nasutus Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 56, f. 29A-E (mf).
Mecopisthes nicaeensis (Simon, 1884) | m f | Spain, France, Italy     []
Lophocarenum nicaeense Simon, 1884a: 683, f. 539-541 (Dm).
Minyriolus nicaeensis Simon, 1926: 353, 487, f. 619-620 (m).
Mecopisthes nicaensis Millidge, 1977: 23, f. 78, 84 (Tm from Minyriolus).
Mecopisthes nicaensis Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 16 (m).
Mecopisthes nicaeensis Thaler, 1993: 642, f. 4-5 (m).
Mecopisthes nicaeensis Hansen, 1995: 32, f. 23-24 (f).
Mecopisthes nicaensis Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2014: 4, f. 1 (m).
Mecopisthes nicaeensis Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2015: 62, f. 3f-g (Df).
Mecopisthes sp. Lecigne, 2018b: 64, f. 4A-E (f; to this species per Breitling, 2020: 347).
Mecopisthes nicaeensis Breitling, 2020: 347, f. 19A (f).
Mecopisthes orientalis Tanasevitch & Fet, 1986 | m f | Turkmenistan     []
Mecopisthes orientalis Tanasevitch & Fet, 1986: 37, pl. 4, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes orientalis Tanasevitch, 1989a: 138, f. 152-155 (mf).
Mecopisthes paludicola Bosmans, 1994 | m f | Algeria     []
Mecopisthes paludicola Bosmans, in Bosmans & Chergui, 1994: 349, f. 16-22, 25 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes peuceticus Caporiacco, 1951 | m f | Italy     []
Mecopisthes peuceticus Caporiacco, 1951a: 81, f. 6a-d (Dmf).
Mecopisthes peuceticus Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 11 (m).
Mecopisthes peusi Wunderlich, 1972 | m f | Europe, Caucasus (Russia, Georgia), Israel     []
Cnephalocotes silus Carpenter, 1900: 201, f. 6-15 (mf, misidentified).
Cnephalocotes silus Smith, 1901a: 334, f. 1j, 2i (m; misidentified).
Cnephalocotes pusillus Jackson, 1908: 64, pl. 4, f. 28-29 (f, misidentified).
Mecopisthes pusillus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 253, f. 154B, D-G (mf, misidentified, name removed from S of Meioneta tenera, S M. silus, rejected).
Mecopisthes silus Merrett, 1963b: 422, f. 101A-B (m, misidentified).
Mecopisthes peusi Wunderlich, 1972b: 301, f. 18-23 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes peusi Millidge, 1977: 24, f. 77 (m).
Mecopisthes peusi Miller & Svatoň, 1978: 17, pl. VIII, f. 1-3 (f).
Mecopisthes peusi Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 7, 14-15, 20, 34 (mf).
Mecopisthes peusi Roberts, 1987: 67, f. 27f, 28a (mf).
Mecopisthes peusi Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 208, f. 561 (mf).
Mecopisthes peusi Wunderlich, 2008e: 688, f. 15 (m).
Mecopisthes peusi Seropian et al., 2023: 250, f. 42-43 (mf).
Mecopisthes pumilio Wunderlich, 2008 | m f | Switzerland     []
Mecopisthes cf. silus Hänggi, 1990: 158, f. 11-13 (mf).
Mecopisthes pumilio Wunderlich, 2008e: 689, f. 10-14 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes rhomboidalis Gao, Zhu & Gao, 1993 | f | China     []
Mecopisthes rhomboidalis Gao, Zhu & Gao, 1993: 40, f. 1-2 (Df).
Mecopisthes rhomboidalis Irfan et al., 2025: 101, f. 132A-C (f).
Mecopisthes silus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) * | m f | Europe, Turkey     []
Erigone sila O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873a: 753, pl. 65, f. 7 (Dmf).
Cnephalocotes pusillus Simon, 1884a: 706, f. 567-570 (mf, misidentified).
Cnephalocotes silus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 119, pl. 4, f. 41 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Simon, 1926: 351, 486, f. 612-614 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Denis, 1950a: 255, f. 6 (f).
Mecopisthes silus Wiehle, 1960a: 87, f. 141-149 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Miller, 1966: 152, pl. II, f. 1-7 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Tystshenko, 1971: 256, f. 791 (f).
Mecopisthes silus Miller, 1971: 270, pl. LVII, f. 23-25 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Wunderlich, 1972b: 302, f. 24-28 (removed mf from S).
Mecopisthes silus Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 1-2, 8-10, 18-19 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 208, f. 560 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Wunderlich, 2008e: 688, f. 16 (m).
Mecopisthes silus Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2015: 62, f. 3a-e (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Lecigne, 2016d: 19, f. 9A (f).
Mecopisthes silus Danışman, Coşar & Kunt, 2020: 16, 4A-C (m).
Mecopisthes tokumotoi Oi, 1964 | m f | Japan     []
Mecopisthes tokumotoi Oi, 1964: 24, f. 12-17 (Dmf).
Mecopisthes tokumotoi Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 268, f. 132-136 (mf).
Mecopisthes tokumotoi Suzuki, 2018b: 59, f. 1d-e (m).