Family: Zodariidae Thorell, 1881 [] Back

Gen. Acanthinozodium Denis, 1966 [ ]
N.B.: considered as valid and not a senior synonym of Zodariellum Andreeva & Tystshenko, 1968: 688, type Z. surprisum Tystshenko, 1968 by Jocqué & Henrard, 2015a: 19-21 with the type species A. spinulosum Denis, 1966e: 120; Acanthinozodium Denis, 1952g: 58 considered by Marusik & Koponen, 2001a: 40 as invalid, because the type species of that genus was not designated by Denis 1952; contra Jocqué, 1991a: 128 who designated A. cirrisulcatum Denis, 1952 as the type species and considered Acanthinozodium a senior synonym of Zodariellum Andreeva & Tystshenko, 1968: 688; see also Levy, 1992: 85 for further comments on the type species and the validity of the genus.
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Denis, 1966e: 199 (type Acanthinozodium spinulosum Denis, 1966; gender neuter)
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Species counts
Counts Status

Denis, J. (1966e). Les araignées du Fezzân. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle d'Afrique du Nord 55: 103-144. download pdf

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2015-07-08 Genus updated Jocqué & Henrard, 2015a Removed synonymy (Old value)