Family: Cicurinidae F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893 [] Back

Gen. Cicurina Menge, 1871 [ ]
N.B.: transferred from the Agelenidae to the Dictynidae (Cicurininae) by Lehtinen, 1967: 268, to the Hahniidae by Wheeler et al., 2017: 607 and to the Cicurinidae by Gorneau et al., 2023: 11; transfer to the Cicurinidae by Murphy & Roberts, 2015: viii not sufficiently justified and was not accepted here; considered a senior synonym of Moguracicurina Komatsu, 1947: 8 [] (type M. honesta Komatsu, 1947 = Cicurina japonica) by Yaginuma, 1963b: 53 (through transfer of type species) and of Tetrilus Simon, 1886d: 60 [] (type T. japonicus Simon, 1886) by Lehtinen, 1967: 250; four subgenera were described by Chamberlin & Ivie, 1940: 42, 47, 73, 74, Cicurona [] (type Cicurina idahoana Chamberlin, 1919), Cicurusta [] (type Cicurina robusta Simon, 1886), Cicurata [] (type Cicurina buwata Chamberlin & Ivie, 1940), Cicurella [] (type Cicurina microps Chamberlin & Ivie, 1940), of which Cicurella was considered a synonym of Tetrilus = Cicurina by Lehtinen, 1967: 223, 268; not a senior synonym of Chorizomma Simon, 1872 (Brignoli, 1983c: 518, contra Lehtinen, 1967: 222, who regarded it as subgenus of Cicurina).
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Menge, 1871: 271 (type Aranea cicurea Fabricius, 1793; gender feminine)
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Species counts
Counts Status
1nomen nudum

Menge, A. (1871). Preussische Spinnen. IV. Abtheilung. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 2: 265-296. download pdf

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2024-01-19 Genus transferred to other family Gorneau et al., 2023 Cicurina Menge, 1871 transferred to Cicurinidae
2017-11-13 Genus transferred to other family Wheeler et al., 2017 Cicurina Menge, 1871 transferred to Hahniidae