Family: Dysderidae C. L. Koch, 1837 [] Back

Gen. Stalita Schiødte, 1847 [ ]
N.B.: not a senior synonym of Parastalita Absolon & Kratochvíl, 1932, Stalitella Absolon & Kratochvíl, 1932 or Mesostalita Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971 (Deeleman-Reinhold & Deeleman, 1988: 148, contra Cooke, 1965: 1027 and Brignoli, 1978h: 39); those taxa treated as species groups by Gasparo, 1999a: 23.
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Schiødte, 1847: 80 (type Stalita taenaria Schiødte, 1847; gender feminine)
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1nomen dubium

Schiødte, J. C. (1847). Forelöbig Beretning om Undersögelser om den underjordiske Fauna i Hulerme i Krain og Istrien. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger 1847: 75-81. [for the spelling of the name see Schiødte in Wikipedia] download pdf

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