
Download new or changed taxa of last 6 months as CSV | of last 12 months as CSV
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Date Type Taxon Comment Reference
2014-09-30Species distribution update Araeoncus mitriformis Tanasevitch, 2008 | Turkey, Iran (Old value)Danişman & Cosar, 2013
2014-09-29Reference includedMaddison et al., 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Sonoita lightfooti G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham, 1903 | Ivory Coast, Southern Africa, EthiopiaMaddison et al., 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedWu & Zhang, 2014a
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Clubiona bicuspidata Wu & Zhang, 2014 | ChinaWu & Zhang, 2014a
2014-09-29New species inserted Clubiona bicuspidata Wu & Zhang, 2014 | ChinaWu & Zhang, 2014a
2014-09-29First description of male Clubiona kropfi Zhang, Zhu & Song, 2003 | China (Old value)Wu & Zhang, 2014a
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Clubiona kropfi Zhang, Zhu & Song, 2003 | ChinaWu & Zhang, 2014a
2014-09-29Reference includedValdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29First description of female Physocyclus paredesi Valdez-Mondragón, 2010 | Mexico (Old value)Valdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Physocyclus paredesi Valdez-Mondragón, 2010 | MexicoValdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Physocyclus peribanensis Valdez-Mondragón, 2014 | MexicoValdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29New species inserted Physocyclus peribanensis Valdez-Mondragón, 2014 | MexicoValdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Physocyclus guanacaste Huber, 1998 | Costa Rica, Honduras (Old value)Valdez-Mondragón, 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Proszynskia diatreta (Simon, 1902) | India, Sri LankaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Thyene bivittata Xie & Peng, 1995 | Pakistan, India, Nepal, ChinaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29Species distribution update Thyene bivittata Xie & Peng, 1995 | Pakistan, India, Nepal, China (Old value)Caleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Stenaelurillus sarojinae Caleb & Mathai, 2014 | IndiaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New species inserted Stenaelurillus sarojinae Caleb & Mathai, 2014 | IndiaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Chrysilla volupe (Karsch, 1879) | India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, MyanmarCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29Species distribution update Chrysilla volupe (Karsch, 1879) | India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Old value)Caleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Phintelloides jesudasi (Caleb & Mathai, 2014) | India, Sri LankaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29New species inserted Phintelloides jesudasi (Caleb & Mathai, 2014) | India, Sri LankaCaleb & Mathai, 2014b
2014-09-29Reference includedYoshida, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Araneus yoshitomii Yoshida, 2014 | Japan (Ogasawara Is.) to South Pacific Is.Yoshida, 2014
2014-09-29New species inserted Araneus yoshitomii Yoshida, 2014 | Japan (Ogasawara Is.) to South Pacific Is.Yoshida, 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedYu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014
2014-09-29First description of female Diphya tanasevitchi (F. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang & Yu, 2003) | China (Old value)Yu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Diphya tanasevitchi (F. Zhang, Y. X. Zhang & Yu, 2003) | ChinaYu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Diphya wulingensis Yu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014 | China, Russia (Far East)Yu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014
2014-09-29New species inserted Diphya wulingensis Yu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014 | China, Russia (Far East)Yu, Zhang & Omelko, 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedPetcharad et al., 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Cyclosa bifida (Doleschall, 1859) | India to Philippines and Indonesia (New Guinea)Petcharad et al., 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedTanikawa et al., 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Pardosa albomarginata Tanikawa, Usio, Endo & Miyashita, 2014 | JapanTanikawa et al., 2014
2014-09-29New species inserted Pardosa albomarginata Tanikawa, Usio, Endo & Miyashita, 2014 | JapanTanikawa et al., 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedHan & Zhang, 2014
2014-09-29New taxonomic reference entry Ummeliata xiaowutai Han & Zhang, 2014 | ChinaHan & Zhang, 2014
2014-09-29New species inserted Ummeliata xiaowutai Han & Zhang, 2014 | ChinaHan & Zhang, 2014
2014-09-29Reference includedWesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Diores poweri Tucker, 1920 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Diores lesserti Lawrence, 1952 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Xysticus urbensis Lawrence, 1952 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Runcinia grammica (C. L. Koch, 1837) | Europe, Middle East to Iran, Russia (Europe to West Siberia), Central Asia, China, Japan. Introduced to St. Helena, South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Pherecydes tuberculatus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1883 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Steatoda capensis Hann, 1990 | Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho. Introduced to St. Helena, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Quamtana filmeri Huber, 2003 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Peucetia maculifera Pocock, 1900 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
2014-09-29Species distribution update Parapostenus hewitti Lessert, 1923 | South Africa, Lesotho (Old value)Wesołowska & Haddad, 2014
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