Included taxa

Brescovit, A. D. & Simó, M. (2007). On the Brazilian Atlantic Forest species of the spider genus Ctenus Walckenaer, with the description of a neotype for C. dubius Walckenaer (Araneae, Ctenidae, Cteninae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 14(1): 1-17. doi:10.13156/arac.2007.14.1.1 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Ctenus dubius Ctenidae 2, f. 1-6 (m, Df) Ctenus dubius
Ctenus fernandae Ctenidae 14, f. 40-45 (Dmf) Ctenus fernandae
Ctenus medius Ctenidae 3, f. 7-13 (mf, S) Ctenus medius
Ctenus ornatus Ctenidae 5, f. 14-20 (f, Sm) Ctenus ornatus
Ctenus paubrasil Ctenidae 12, f. 31-34 (Dmf) Ctenus paubrasil
Ctenus pauloterrai Ctenidae 13, f. 35-39 (Dmf) Ctenus pauloterrai
Ctenus rectipes Ctenidae 10, f. 27-30 (m, Sf) Ctenus rectipes
Ctenus vehemens Ctenidae 9, f. 21-26 (f, Dm) Ctenus vehemens
No genus found for this reference