Included taxa

Ponomarev, A. V. (2008b). The additional data to the spider fauna (Aranei) of the south-east of Russian plain. Vestnik Yuzhnogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Rostov 4: 78-86. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Attulus barsakelmes Salticidae 83, f. 1, 5 (f, Dm) Sitticus barsakelmes
Attulus nenilini Salticidae 84, f. 5 (m) Sitticus nenilini
Berlandina nabozhenkoi Gnaphosidae 79, f. 1-2 (m, Df) Berlandina nabozhenkoi
Gnaphosa rufula Gnaphosidae 81, f. 2-3 (m) Gnaphosa rufula
Marinarozelotes cumensis Gnaphosidae 82, f. 4 (m) Trachyzelotes cumensis
Pellenes allegrii Salticidae 83, f. 4 (m) Pellenes allegrii
Talanites involutus Gnaphosidae 81, f. 3 (m) Talanites fagei
Titanoeca ukrainica Titanoecidae 79, f. 1a (Df) Titanoeca ukrainica
No genus found for this reference