Included taxa

Perafán, C. & Pérez-Miles, F. (2014b). The Andean tarantulas Euathlus Ausserer, 1875, Paraphysa Simon, 1892 and Phrixotrichus Simon, 1889 (Araneae: Theraphosidae): phylogenetic analysis, genera redefinition and new species descriptions. Journal of Natural History 48(39-40): 2389-2418. doi:10.1080/00222933.2014.902142 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Cyclosternum pulcherrimaklaasi Theraphosidae 2413 (T from Euathlus) Maraca pulcherrimaklaasi
Euathlus antai Theraphosidae 2401, f. 3A-C (Df) Euathlus antai
Euathlus atacama Theraphosidae 2402, f. 4A-F (Dmf) Euathlus atacama
Euathlus condorito Theraphosidae 2404, f. 5A-F (Dmf) Euathlus condorito
Euathlus manicatus Theraphosidae 2406, f. 6A-E (mf, T from Paraphysa, removed from S of Paraphysa scrofa rejecting Schmidt, 1996a: 17) Euathlus manicata
Euathlus parvulus Theraphosidae 2406, f. 7A-D (m, Df, T from Paraphysa) Euathlus parvulus
Euathlus truculentus Theraphosidae 2407, f. 8A-C (m) Euathlus truculentus
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi Theraphosidae 2412 (S of Paraphysa riparia) Eupalaestrus weijenberghi
Phrixotrichus jara Theraphosidae 2410, f. 9A-E (Dm) Phrixotrichus jara
Phrixotrichus scrofa Theraphosidae 2411, f. 10A-D (mf, T from Paraphysa = Euathlus) Phrixotrichus scrofa
Phrixotrichus vulpinus Theraphosidae 2412, f. 10E (f, T from Euathlus) Phrixotrichus vulpinus
Thrixopelma peruvianum Theraphosidae 2414 (T from Paraphysa, nomen dubium, may belong to Thrixopelma) Euathlus peruvianus
No genus found for this reference