Included taxa

Breitling, R., Bauer, T., Grabolle, A., Oger, P., Pantini, P., Van Keer, J., Pfliegler, W. P., Jantscher, E. & Dolanský, J. (2016a). East meets West: on the true identity of Cheiracanthium rupestre and Xysticus albomaculatus (Arachnida: Araneae: Eutichuridae, Thomisidae). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 52: 38-49. doi:10.5431/aramit5208 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Bassaniana baudueri Thomisidae 44, f. 8-11 (mf, elevated from subspecies of Bassaniana versicolor, S of Xysticus albomaculatus) Bassaniana baudueri
Cheiracanthium macedonicum Cheiracanthiidae 40, f. 1a-b, 2a-b, 4, 5a-b, 6a-b (mf) Cheiracanthium macedonicum
Cheiracanthium rupestre Cheiracanthiidae 40 (nomen dubium) Cheiracanthium rupestre
Cheiracanthium striolatum Cheiracanthiidae 39, f. 1c, 2c, 3, 5c-e, 6c-d (mf) Cheiracanthium striolatum
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