Included taxa

Zamani, A. & Mozaffarian, F. (2017). Further spider (Arachnida: Araneae) material deposited in the Agricultural Zoology Museum of Iran (AZMI), Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 54: 8-20. doi:10.5431/aramit5403 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Brigittea innocens Dictynidae 10, f. 2 (f; misidentified per Zamani, Nadolny & Dolejš, 2022: 570) Brigittea civica
Marinarozelotes miniglossus Gnaphosidae 11, f. 3 (f) Trachyzelotes miniglossus
Pardosa roscai Lycosidae 13, f. 5 (f) Pardosa roscai
Tetragnatha isidis Tetragnathidae 16, f. 6-8 (m) Tetragnatha isidis
Zelotes fulvaster Gnaphosidae 11, f. 4 (f; misidentified per Zamani, in Gajdoš, Černecká & Šestáková, 2019: 58) Zelotes tenuis
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