Included taxa

Jiménez, M.-L., Chamé-Vázquez, D. & Palacios-Cardiel, C. (2022). New records of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Madrean Archipelago of Sonora, Mexico. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 98(3): 196-204. doi:10.3956/2022-98.3.196 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Agelenopsis aperta Agelenidae 197, f. 1-2, 17-18 (f) Agelenopsis aperta
Allocosa mokiensis Lycosidae 198, f. 7-8, 23-24 (f) Allocosa mokiensis
Arctosa littoralis Lycosidae 198, f. 9-10, 25-26 (f) Arctosa littoralis
Herpyllus schwarzi Gnaphosidae 198, f. 3-6, 19-22 (mf) Herpyllus schwarzi
Peucetia longipalpis Oxyopidae 201, f. 13-14, 30-31 (f) Peucetia longipalpis
Rabidosa santrita Lycosidae 201, f. 11-12, 27-29 (mf) Rabidosa santrita
Trachelas huachucanus Trachelidae 202, f. 15-16, 32-33 (f) Trachelas huachucanus
No genus found for this reference