Included taxa

Forster, R. R. (1955b). Spiders of the family Archaeidae from Australia and New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 83: 391-403. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Forstrarchaea rubra Malkaridae 402, f. 24 (m, T from Zearchaea) Pararchaea rubra
Holarchaea novaeseelandiae Anapidae 392 (T from Eriauchenius) Holarchaea novaeseelandiae
Nanarchaea binnaburra Malkaridae 401, f. 6-9, 13-15 (Df) Pararchaea. binnaburra
Pararchaea alba Malkaridae 399, f. 1-4, 16-19, 25-26 (Dmf) Pararchaea alba
Zearchaea clypeata Mecysmaucheniidae 393, f. 22-23 (m) Zearchaea clypeata
Zearchaea fiordensis Mecysmaucheniidae 395, f. 5, 10-12, 20-21 (Dmf) Zearchaea fiordensis
Genus Family Page
Holarchaea Forster, 1955 Anapidae 392
Pararchaea Forster, 1955 Malkaridae 397