Included taxa

Bücherl, W., Timotheo da Costa, A. & Lucas, S. (1971). Revisão de alguns tipos de aranhas caranguejeiras (Orthognatha) estabelecidos por Cândido de Mello-Leitão e depositados no Museu Nacional do Rio. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 35: 117-138. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Acanthoscurria gomesiana Theraphosidae 124, f. 28 (f) Cyrtopholis zorodes
Actinopus crassipes Actinopodidae 121, f. 2 (m, manuscript name by Mello-Leitão, tentatively identified as A. crassipes; actually the type of A. ceciliae) Actinopus niger
Actinopus paranensis Actinopodidae 121, f. 3-4 (m) Actinopus paranensis
Chaco melloleitaoi Pycnothelidae 127, f. 50-51 (Dm; N.B.: not mentioned by Goloboff, 1995) Neostothis melloleitaoi
Crypsidromus multicuspidatus Theraphosidae 123, f. 21-24, 33-34 (m, Df, T from Phormictopus) Cyclosternum multicuspidatum
Crypsidromus nondescriptus Theraphosidae 125, f. 29-31 (Dm; omitted by Brignoli; according to Silva-Moreira et al., 2010 this name was based on the holotype of Hapalopus nondescriptus, and is therefore a junior synonym of that name, but Silva-Moreira et al., 2010 provided no evidence justifying a placement of the species in either genus) [] Cyclosternum melloleitaoi
Cyclosternum schmardae Theraphosidae 124, f. 26-27 (m) Cyclosternum schmardae
Cyriocosmus elegans Theraphosidae 126, f. 42-43 (f, T from Cyriocosmus) Chaetorrhombus semifasciatus
Cyriocosmus fasciatus Theraphosidae 125, f. 35-37 (mf) Pseudohomoeomma fasciatum
Diplura lineata Dipluridae 122, f. 15-16 (Dm) Harmonicon nigridorsi
Diplura macrura Dipluridae 128, f. 12-14 (mf, S of Thalerothele aurantiaca and T. minensis) Thalerothele uniformis
Dolichothele exilis Theraphosidae 127, f. 52 (f) Dolichothele exilis
Dolichothele exilis Theraphosidae 128, f. 53 (Dm) [] Leptopelma nigrioculatum
Harpathele gymnognatha Dipluridae 128 (S of Diplura borgmeyeri, rejected by Drolshagen & Bäckstam, 2021: 189) Diplura gymnognatha
Homoeomma montanum Theraphosidae 126, f. 38-41 (mf) Tmesiphantes montanus
Idiops nilopolensis Idiopidae 121, f. 6-7 (f) Idiops nilopolensis
Idiops petiti Idiopidae 121, f. 5 (f, S of Idiops crulsi) Idiops petiti
Iridopelma hirsutum Theraphosidae 126, f. 44 (f) Avicularia palmicola
Ischnothele annulata Ischnothelidae 123, f. 19-20 (f) Ischnothele zoroda
Ischnothele caudata Ischnothelidae 123, f. 17-18 (Df; regarded by Brignoli, 1983c: 125, as a formal description of the undescribed "types" of Mello-Leitão) Ischnothele sexpunctata
Linothele fallax Dipluridae 122, f. 9-10 (f) Uruchus fallax
Linothele longicauda Dipluridae 117, f. 8 (S of Linothele bitaeniata and L. nigerrima, both rejected by Drolshagen & Bäckstam, 2021: 183, see Linothele sericata) Diplura aequatorialis
Linothele paulistana Dipluridae 122, f. 11 (f) Diplura paulistana
Neodiplothele fluminensis Barychelidae 128, f. 45-49 (m, S of Trichopelma annulata) Neodiplothele fluminensis
Tekoapora wacketi Theraphosidae 129 (T from Eurypelma = Avicularia, erroneous S of P. dubius and P. vellutinus) Pterinopelma wacketi
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