Included taxa

Song, D. X. et al. (1977b). [Identification of the common species of Micryphantidae from the farm field]. Dongwuxue zazhi (Chinese Journal of Zoology) 1977(2): 36-37 and inside back cover. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Erigone prominens Linyphiidae 37, f. 4A-D (mf) Erigone prominens
Gnathonarium dentatum Linyphiidae 37, f. 5A-F (mf) Gnathonarium dentatum
Gnathonarium gibberum Linyphiidae 37, f. 6A-E (mf) Gnathonarium gibberum
Hylyphantes graminicola Linyphiidae 36, f. 1, 2A-D (mf) Erigonidium graminicola
Ummeliata insecticeps Linyphiidae 36, f. 3A-F (mf) Oedothorax insecticeps
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