Included taxa

Forster, R. R. & Platnick, N. I. (1984). A review of the archaeid spiders and their relatives, with notes on the limits of the superfamily Palpimanoidea (Arachnida, Araneae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 178: 1-106. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Afrarchaea godfreyi Archaeidae 24, f. 1, 3, 8, 11, 18, 26, 30-33, 36-37, 53-54, 58-59 (Tmf from Eriauchenius) Afrarchaea godfreyi
Anisaedus stridulans Palpimanidae 76, f. 288-294 (m) Anisaedus stridulans
Aotearoa magna Mecysmaucheniidae 63, f. 76-78, 80-81, 88, 112, 122, 184, 207-209 (Tmf from Zearchaea) Aotearoa magna
Australomimetus mendicus Mimetidae 96, f. 307, 377-383, 385-388, 391-393 (mf) Mimetus mendicus
Austrarchaea daviesae Archaeidae 22, f. 66-68, 70-75 (Dmf) Austrarchaea daviesae
Austrarchaea hickmani Archaeidae 23, f. 69 (T from Archaea; f. 40-50 show an unrelated species of Austrarchaea from New South Wales, per Rix & Harvey, 2012a: 22) Austrarchaea hickmani
Austrarchaea nodosa Archaeidae 21, f. 4-6, 9-10, 19, 27, 34-35, 57, 60-65 (Dmf, T from Archaea = Eriauchenius) Austrarchaea nodosa
Chilarchaea quellon Mecysmaucheniidae 65, f. 115, 131-136, 200, 210-211 (Df) Chilarchaea quellon
Colopea pusilla Stenochilidae 81, f. 300, 321-323, 326 (m) Colopea pusilla
Eriauchenus workmani Archaeidae 21, f. 51-52 (m) Archaea workmani
Ero leonina Mimetidae 96, f. 390 (m, misidentified) Ero furcata
Forstrarchaea rubra Malkaridae 71, f. 212-213, 221-229, 235-238 (m) Pararchaea rubra
Holarchaea globosa Anapidae 76 (T from Zearchaea) Holarchaea globosa
Holarchaea novaeseelandiae Anapidae 76, f. 239-259 (mf) Holarchaea novaeseelandiae
Huttonia palpimanoides Huttoniidae 87, f. 299, 304, 328-354 (mf) Huttonia palpimanoides
Madagascarchaea gracilicollis Archaeidae 21, f. 2, 7, 12, 20, 24-25, 28-29, 38-39, 56 (f) Archaea gracilicollis
Madagascarchaea vadoni Archaeidae 21, f. 21-23, 55, 305 (f) Archaea vadoni
Mecysmauchenioides nordenskjoldi Mecysmaucheniidae 61, f. 87, 95, 110-111, 182-183, 201-203 (Tmf from Mecysmauchenius) Mecysmauchenioides nordenskjoldi
Mecysmauchenius canan Mecysmaucheniidae 55, f. 158-160, 193 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius canan
Mecysmauchenius chacamo Mecysmaucheniidae 54, f. 192 (Df) Mecysmauchenius chacamo
Mecysmauchenius chapo Mecysmaucheniidae 57, f. 195 (Df) Mecysmauchenius chapo
Mecysmauchenius chepu Mecysmaucheniidae 56, f. 161-163, 194 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius chepu
Mecysmauchenius chincay Mecysmaucheniidae 50, f. 146-148 (Dm) Mecysmauchenius chincay
Mecysmauchenius eden Mecysmaucheniidae 52, f. 85, 91, 97-98, 119-120, 149-151, 190 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius eden
Mecysmauchenius fernandez Mecysmaucheniidae 44, f. 187 (Df) Mecysmauchenius fernandez
Mecysmauchenius gertschi Mecysmaucheniidae 59, f. 198 (f) Mecysmauchenius gertschi
Mecysmauchenius newtoni Mecysmaucheniidae 53, f. 152-154, 191 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius newtoni
Mecysmauchenius osorno Mecysmaucheniidae 57, f. 84, 108-109, 164-166, 196 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius osorno
Mecysmauchenius puyehue Mecysmaucheniidae 45, f. 140-142, 188 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius puyehue
Mecysmauchenius segmentatus Mecysmaucheniidae 38, f. 86, 90, 93, 96, 104-107, 116-118, 125-128, 137-139, 180-181, 186, 206 (mf) Mecysmauchenius segmentatus
Mecysmauchenius termas Mecysmaucheniidae 48, f. 143-145, 189 (Dmf) Mecysmauchenius termas
Mecysmauchenius thayerae Mecysmaucheniidae 53, f. 155-157 (Dm) Mecysmauchenius thayerae
Mecysmauchenius victoria Mecysmaucheniidae 59, f. 197 (Df) Mecysmauchenius victoria
Mecysmauchenius villarrica Mecysmaucheniidae 58, f. 167-169 (Dm) Mecysmauchenius villarrica
Mesarchaea bellavista Mecysmaucheniidae 63, f. 174-177, 179 (Dm) Mesarchaea bellavista
Otiothops macleayi Palpimanidae 76, f. 269-276, 279-281, 295, 303 (mf) Otiothops macleayi
Palpimanus gibbulus Palpimanidae 76, f. 260-268, 296, 302 (f) Palpimanus gibbulus
Pararchaea alba Malkaridae 71, f. 214-219, 230-234, 307 (f) Pararchaea alba
Plectochetos longissimus Anapidae 92, f. 360-361, 369-370, 375-376 (m) Micropholcomma longissima
Raveniella luteola Anapidae 92, f. 356, 368 (m) Textricella luteola
Rayforstia vulgaris Anapidae 92, f. 357-359, 362-367, 371-374 (mf) Textricella vulgaris
Semysmauchenius antillanca Mecysmaucheniidae 61, f. 170-173, 178, 199 (Dmf) Semysmauchenius antillanca
Stenochilus hobsoni Stenochilidae 81, f. 298, 301, 308-320, 327 (mf) Stenochilus hobsoni
Zearchaea clypeata Mecysmaucheniidae 64, f. 79, 92, 94, 99-100, 102-103, 113, 124, 129-130, 204-205 (mf) Zearchaea clypeata
Zearchaea fiordensis Mecysmaucheniidae 64, f. 82-83, 89, 101, 114, 121, 123, 185, 220 (mf) Zearchaea fiordensis
Genus Family Page
Afrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984 Archaeidae 24
Aotearoa Forster & Platnick, 1984 Mecysmaucheniidae 63
Austrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984 Archaeidae 21
Chilarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984 Mecysmaucheniidae 64
Mecysmauchenioides Forster & Platnick, 1984 Mecysmaucheniidae 60
Mesarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984 Mecysmaucheniidae 62
Semysmauchenius Forster & Platnick, 1984 Mecysmaucheniidae 61