Included taxa
Carico, J. E. (1993b). Revision of the genus Trechalea Thorell (Araneae, Trechaleidae) with a review of the taxonomy of the Trechaleidae and Pisauridae of the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Arachnology 21(3): 226-257.
Species | Family | Page / figures | published as |
Architis spinipes | Pisauridae | 232 (S of Thanatidius = Pisaurina spinipes F. O. Pickard-Cambridge) | Staberius spinipes |
Dyrinoides minutus | Trechaleidae | 231 ("unidentifiable spiderlings", taken as nomen dubium by Platnick) | Dyrinoides minutus |
Dyrinoides onychiatus | Trechaleidae | 231 ("unidentifiable spiderlings", taken as nomen dubium by Platnick) | Dyrinoides onychiatus |
Hesydrus palustris | Trechaleidae | 237 (T from Trechalea) | Hesydrus monticola |
Paradossenus longipes | Trechaleidae | 231 (T from Hygropoda) | Paradossenus andinus |
Paradossenus longipes | Trechaleidae | 231 (T from Hygropoda) | Paradossenus venezuelanus |
Paradossenus longipes | Trechaleidae | 237 (T from Trechalea) | Paradossenus protentus |
Syntrechalea boliviensis | Trechaleidae | 252, f. 23, 33, 40, 65-68 (Dmf) | Trechalea boliviensis |
Syntrechalea lomalinda | Trechaleidae | 253, f. 24, 34, 69-72 (Dmf) | Trechalea lomalinda |
Thaumasia numida | Pisauridae | 237 (not identifiable, taken as nomen dubium by Platnick) | Trechalea numida |
Trechalea amazonica | Trechaleidae | 251, f. 22, 32, 61-64 (mf, S of Trechalea manauensis) | Trechalea amazonica |
Trechalea amazonica | Trechaleidae | 255, f. 73-74 (Df) [] | Trechalea trinidadensis |
Trechalea bucculenta | Trechaleidae | 240, f. 16, 26, 35-38 (f, Dm) | Trechalea cezariana |
Trechalea connexa | Trechaleidae | 247, f. 19, 29, 49-52 (m, Df) | Trechalea connexa |
Trechalea extensa | Trechaleidae | 248, f. 20, 30, 53-56 (mf, S of Trechalea magnifica) | Trechalea extensa |
Trechalea gertschi | Trechaleidae | 249, f. 1-2, 21, 31, 57-60 (mf) | Trechalea gertschi |
Trechalea longitarsis | Trechaleidae | 238, f. 7-15, 25 (mf, S of Trechalea urinator) | Trechalea longitarsis |
Trechalea macconnelli | Trechaleidae | 244, f. 17, 27, 39, 41-44 (mf, S of Trechalea ellacombei) | Trechalea macconnelli |
Trechalea paucispina | Trechaleidae | 245, f. 18, 28, 45-48 (mf) | Trechalea paucispina |
Trechalea thomisiformis | Trechaleidae | 237 (very small juvenile lycosoid and appears not to be a trechaleid, but of doubtful genus = specific nomen dubium) | Trechalea thomisiformis |
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