Included taxa

Ramírez, M. J. (1997). Revisión y filogenia de los géneros Ferrieria y Acanthoceto (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Amaurobioidinae). Iheringia, Série Zoologia 82: 173-203. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Acanthoceto acupicta Anyphaenidae 186, f. 2-3, 7, 9-10, 15-17, 44-51 (Dm, f, T from Tomopisthes, S of Acanthoceto adelae and Gayenna marginata) Acanthoceto acupictus
Acanthoceto cinerea Anyphaenidae 182, f. 8, 11, 29-35 (Dm, f, T from Gayenna) Acanthoceto cinereus
Acanthoceto ladormida Anyphaenidae 185, f. 14, 40-43 (Dmf) Acanthoceto ladormida
Acanthoceto marina Anyphaenidae 184, f. 4-5, 12, 36-39 (Dmf) Acanthoceto marinus
Acanthoceto pichi Anyphaenidae 181, f. 6, 13, 20-28 (Dmf) Acanthoceto pichi
Acanthoceto riogrande Anyphaenidae 189, f. 19, 58-63 (Dmf) Acanthoceto riogrande
Acanthoceto septentrionalis Anyphaenidae 188, f. 18, 52-57 (Dm, f, T from Tomopisthes) Acanthoceto septentrionalis
Ferrieria echinata Anyphaenidae 191, f. 64-70 (f, Dm, S) Ferrieria echinata
Josa bryantae Anyphaenidae 190 (T from Clubionidae incertae sedis) Josa bryantae
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