Included taxa

Senglet, A. (2004). Copulatory mechanisms in Zelotes, Drassyllus and Trachyzelotes (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), with additional faunistic and taxonomic data on species from southwest Europe. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 77(1-2): 87-119. doi:10.5169/seals-402861 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Civizelotes caucasius Gnaphosidae 116, f. 26-31, 95-96 (mf) Zelotes caucasius
Drassyllus praeficus Gnaphosidae 99, f. 35-40 (mf) Drassyllus praeficus
Marinarozelotes lyonneti Gnaphosidae 101, f. 42, 45-46 (mf) Trachyzelotes lyonneti
Trachyzelotes pedestris Gnaphosidae 99, f. 41, 43-44 (mf) Trachyzelotes pedestris
Zelotes aeneus Gnaphosidae 108, f. 2-4, 8-10, 62 (mf) Zelotes aeneus
Zelotes apricorum Gnaphosidae 108, f. 1d, 5-7 (m, S of Zelotes louronensis) Zelotes apricorum
Zelotes callidus Gnaphosidae 104, f. 47-50 (mf, S of Zelotes adolescentulusZ. lugens and Z. massiliensis) Zelotes ruscinensis
Zelotes cyanescens Gnaphosidae 110, f. 69-71 (f, S of Zelotes donnezanus and Z. silvicola confirmed) Zelotes cyanescens
Zelotes egregius Gnaphosidae 106, f. 55-61 (mf, S of Zelotes reconditus) Zelotes egregius
Zelotes femellus Gnaphosidae 113, f. 88-94 (mf) Zelotes femellus
Zelotes fuscorufus Gnaphosidae 102, f. 1b-c, 32-34, 51-54 (mf) Zelotes fuscorufus
Zelotes gallicus Gnaphosidae 110, f. 63-68 (mf, S of Zelotes pseudoclivicola) Zelotes gallicus
Zelotes latreillei Gnaphosidae 117, f. 102-103 (f) Zelotes latreillei
Zelotes manius Gnaphosidae 112, f. 78-84 (mf) Zelotes manius
Zelotes petrensis Gnaphosidae 94, f. 11-14, 19-21 (m) Zelotes petrensis
Zelotes sardus Gnaphosidae 111, f. 15-18, 22-25, 72-77 (mf, S of Zelotes brignolii) Zelotes sardus
Zelotes segrex Gnaphosidae 116, f. 97-101 (mf, S of Zelotes declinans and Z. labilis) Zelotes segrex
Zelotes talpinus Gnaphosidae 113, f. 85-87 (mf) Zelotes talpinus
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