Included taxa

Hedin, M. & Dellinger, B. (2005). Descriptions of a new species and previously unknown males of Nesticus (Araneae: Nesticidae) from caves in eastern North America, with comments on species rarity. Zootaxa 904: 1-19. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.904.1.1 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Nesticus barri Nesticidae 3, f. 2-10 (mf, S of Nesticus valentinei) Nesticus barri
Nesticus dilutus Nesticidae 10, f. 13-14 (Dm) Nesticus dilutus
Nesticus furtivus Nesticidae 12, f. 15-16 (Dm) Nesticus furtivus
Nesticus pecki Nesticidae 14, f. 17-20 (Dmf) Nesticus pecki
Nesticus stygius Nesticidae 8, f. 11-12 (Dm) Nesticus stygius
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