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Bomis bengalensis Tikader, 1962 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus albibarbis Simon, 1895 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus almiae Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1986 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus bufoninus Simon, 1886 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus crassiceps (Strand, 1913) | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus irroratus (Thorell, 1899) | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus malati Simon, 1895 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Holopelus piger O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899 | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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