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Pavesi, P. (1873b). Sopra una nuova specie di ragni (Nesticus speluncarum) appartenente alle collezione del Museo civico di Genova. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 4: 344-352.

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Pavesi, P. (1875). Note araneologiche. Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali 18: 113-132, 254-304.

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Pavesi, P. (1876a). Le prime crociere del Violante, comandato dal Capitano-Armatore Enrico d'Albertis. Risultati aracnologici. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 8: 407-451.

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Pavesi, P. (1880a). Sulla istituzione di due nuovi generi di Aracnidi. Rendiconti, Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (2) 13: 191-193.

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Pavesi, P. (1881). Studi sugli Aracnidi africani. II. Aracnidi d'Inhambane raccolti da Carlo Fornasini e considerazioni sull'aracnofauna del Mozambico. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 16: 536-560.

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Pavesi, P. (1898a). Arachnides recueillies en 1897 par M. Jaquet et déterminées par M-r le Prof. P. Pavesi de l'Université de Pavie. In: Jaquet, M. (ed.) Faune de la Roumanie. Bulletin de la Societé des Sciences de Bucarest 7, 274-282.

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Palmgren, P. (1943). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands II. Acta Zoologica Fennica 36: 1-115.

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Bonnet, P. (1951). La question Lycosa-Tarentula-Pardosa. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 86: 295-307.

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Jäger, P. (2018a). The second true troglobiont Heteropoda species from a limestone cave system in Palawan, Philippines (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae). Arachnology 17(8): 427-431. doi:10.13156/arac.2017.17.8.427

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Jäger, P. (2018b). On the genus Systaria (Araneae: Clubionidae) in Southeast Asia: new species from caves and forests. Zootaxa 4504(4): 524-544. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4504.4.5

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Tongiorgi, P. (1966a). Italian wolf spiders of the genus Pardosa (Araneae: Lycosidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134(8): 275-334.

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Merrett, P. (1963b). The palpus of male spiders of the family Linyphiidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 140(3): 347-467. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1963.tb01867.x

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Jäger, P. (2000a). Selten nachgewiesene Spinnenarten aus Deutschland (Arachnida: Araneae). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 19: 49-57. doi:10.5431/aramit1907

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Chrysanthus, P. (1955b). Notes on spiders II. Entomologische Berichten 15: 518-520.

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Jäger, P. (2019b). Selenops ef sp. nov. (Araneae: Selenopidae) from Cambodia: first record from an Asian cave. Arachnology 18(3): 245-247. doi:10.13156/arac.2019.18.3.245

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Jäger, P. (1998a). Weitere Funde von Nesticus eremita (Araneae: Nesticidae) in Süddeutschland mit Angaben zur Taxonomie im Vergleich zu N. cellulanus. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 15: 13-20. doi:10.5431/aramit1503

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Sierwald, P. (1983). Morphological criteria and the discrimination of species of the genus Thalassius Simon, 1885 (Arachnida: Araneae: Pisauridae). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 26: 201-209.

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Sierwald, P. (1984). Madagassische Arten der Gattung Thalassius Simon, 1885 (Arachnida: Araneae: Pisauridae). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 27: 405-416.

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Palmgren, P. (1976). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands und Ostfennoskandiens. VII. Linyphiidae 2 (Micryphantinae, mit Ausnahme der Linyphiindae-ähnlichen). Fauna Fennica 29: 1-126.

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Jäger, P. (2020a). Thunberga gen. nov., a new genus of huntsman spiders from Madagascar (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae). Zootaxa 4790(2): 245-260. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4790.2.3

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Bonnet, P. (1971). Sur la question de Phidippus audax et variegatus. Z.N.(S.) 1904 (see volume 27, page 103). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 28(1-2): 10-11.

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Jäger, P. (2011). Revision of the spider genera Nilus O. Pickard-Cambridge 1876, Sphedanus Thorell 1877 and Dendrolycosa Doleschall 1859 (Araneae: Pisauridae). Zootaxa 3046: 1-38. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3046.1.1

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Bonnet, P. (1955). Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome II. Systématique des araignées (Étude par ordre alphabétique) [1re partie: A-B]. Douladoure, Toulouse, pp. 1-918.

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Bonnet, P. (1957). Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome II. Systématique des araignées (Étude par ordre alphabétique) (3me partie: G-M). Douladoure, Toulouse, pp. 1927-3026.

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Chrysanthus, P. (1949b). Paringsbiologie bij spinnen. In: In het Voetspoor van Thijsse. H. Veenman, Wageningen, pp. 349-359.

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Sacher, P. (2004). Zum 100. Geburtstag der Arachnologin Dr. Marie Harm (1904-1986). Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge des Museums Dessau 16: 83-86.

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Jäger, P. (2012d). Revision of the genus Sinopoda Jäger, 1999 in Laos with discovery of the first eyeless huntsman spider species (Sparassidae: Heteropodinae). Zootaxa 3415: 37-57. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3415.1.3

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Jastrzębski, P. (2006). Salticidae from the Himalayas. The genus Thyene Simon 1885 (Arachnida: Araneae). Acta Arachnologica 55(1): 1-4. doi:10.2476/asjaa.55.1

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Oger, P. (2014). First record of Emblyna brevidens (Kulczyński, 1897) (Araneae: Dictynidae) for Belgium. Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 29(3): 60-64.

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Alicata, P. (1966c). Le Harpactea (Araneae, Dysderidae) della fauna italiana e considerazioni sulla loro origine. Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania (6) 18: 190-221.

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Goyen, P. (1888). Descriptions of new species of New Zealand Araneae. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 20: 133-139.

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Kloid, P. (1994). Erstnachweis von Theridion hannoniae für Deutschland (Araneae: Theridiidae). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 8: 56-57. doi:10.5431/aramit0807

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Loria, P. (2023). Cinq premières et une deuxième mentions d’araignées pour la Suisse (Araneae). Entomo Helvetica 16: 123-136.

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Bonnet, P. (1929b). Les araignées exotiques en Europe. II. Elevage a Toulouse de la grande araignée fileuse de Madagascar et considerations sur l'araneiculture. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 54(5): 501-523.

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Balogh, P. (1980b). Studies on the Papuan Attidae (Araneae): Furculattus maxillosus gen. et sp. n. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 41(33, 1): 25-27.

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Jastrzębski, P. (2007b). Salticidae from the Himalayas. The genus Bianor Peckham & Peckham 1885 (Arachnida: Araneae). Acta Arachnologica 56(1): 25-28. doi:10.2476/asjaa.56.25

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Guadanucci, J. P. L. & Indicatti, R. P. (2004). Redescription of Fufius funebris Vellard, 1924 and description of Fufius lucasae sp. n. with comments on Ctenochelus maculatus Mello-Leitão, 1923 (Mygalomorphae, Cyrtaucheniidae). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 10: 255-259.

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Sankaran, P. M. & Sebastian, P. A. (2017a). Redescription of Zoica puellula (Simon, 1898) (Araneae: Lycosidae: Zoicinae) and transfer of Zoica harduarae (Biswas & Roy, 2008) to Agelenidae C.L. Koch, 1837. Zootaxa 4276(1): 145-150. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4276.1.11

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Sankaran, P. M. & Sebastian, P. A. (2018c). Phonognatha vicitra Sherriffs, 1928—a taxonomic misidentification of the orb-weaving spider Acusilas coccineus Simon, 1895 (Araneae, Araneidae). Zootaxa 4434(2): 391-395. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4434.2.12

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Marikovskii, P. I. & Tystshenko, V. P. (1970). Pauk-mirmekofil (Zodarion asiaticum Tysts. sp. nova) i nekotorye cherty ego biologii. Trudy Alma-Atinskogo Gosudarstvennogo Zapovednika 9: 196-201.

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Nanayakkara, R. P., Sumanapala, A. P. & Kirk, P. (2019). Another from Sri Lanka, after 126 years; Chilobrachys jonitriantisvansicklei sp. nov. (Araneae: Theraphosidae) from a fragmented forest patch in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Journal of the British Tarantula Society 34(2): 25-36.

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Merrett, P. (2001). Clubiona pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994, a clubionid spider new to Britain (Araneae: Clubionidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 12: 32-34.

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Lee, P. (2005). An imported pholcid in Felixstowe. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 102: 7.

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Harvey, P. (2009). Identification of Dysdera crocata and Dysdera erythrina. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 114: 17.

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Jastrzębski, P. (2009). Salticidae from the Himalaya. New species of the genus Carrhotus Thorell, 1891 (Araneae: Salticidae). Genus 20: 533-537.

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Harvey, P. (2013). Identification of Philodromus praedatus. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 127: 22-24.

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Jäger, P. (2014c). Olios sjostedti Lessert, 1921 (Araneae: Sparassidae): first description of the female and first records from South Africa and Botswana. African Invertebrates 55(2): 201-208.

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Bertkau, P. (1884). Weitere Beitrage zur Spinnenfauna der Rheinprovinz. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 41: 352-359.

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Bertkau, P. (1889). Interessante Tiere aus der Umgebung von Bonn. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 46: 69-82.

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Pavesi, P. (1895a). Esplorazione del Guiba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Cap. Bottego. XVIII. Aracnidi. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 35: 491-537.

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