Family: Gnaphosidae Banks, 1892 [] Detail
Gen. Urozelotes Mello-Leitão, 1938 [] Detail
type Urozelotes cardiogynus Mello-Leitão, 1938; gender masculine; syn. of Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872)
N.B.: regarded as subgenus of Zelotes Gistel, 1848 by Wunderlich, 2023: 62.
Transferred to other genera:
Urozelotes pawani (Gajbe, 1993) -- see Xizangiana
Urozelotes yutian (Platnick & Song, 1986) -- see Zelotes
In synonymy:
Urozelotes abdalbus (Chamberlin, 1936, T from Drassyllus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Ubick & Roth, 1973a: 8, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes agelastus (Keyserling, 1891, T from Latonigena) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes amnicola (Tucker, 1923, T from Camillina) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes blandus (Banks, 1892, T from Drassyllus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Ubick & Roth, 1973a: 8, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes blepharotrichus (Strand, 1915, T from Scotophaeus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Levy, 1998c: 143, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes cardiogynus Mello-Leitão, 1938 = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes completus (Banks, 1898, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes femoralis (Banks, 1904, T from Drassyllus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Millidge & Locket, 1955: 171, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes gigas (Schmidt, 1973, T from Camillina) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes keyserlingi (Roewer, 1951, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes liopus (Chamberlin, 1922, T from Drassyllus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Ubick & Roth, 1973a: 8, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes luteus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes magister (Chamberlin, 1933, T from Haplodrassus) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Ubick & Roth, 1973a: 8, sub Zelotes).
Urozelotes malodes (Tikader, 1962, T from Drassodes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 26).
Urozelotes pacificus (Simon, 1899, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes pater (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906, T from Drassodes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Kamura, 1998: 170).
Urozelotes paulistus (Roewer, 1951, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes porteri (Simon, 1904, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes rotundifoveatus (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906, T from Drassodes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Kamura, 1998: 170).
Urozelotes scutatus (Mello-Leitão, 1939, T from Zelotes) = Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) (Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 25).
Urozelotes clarus (Wunderlich, 2023) | m | Portugal     []
Zelotes (Urozelotes) clarus Wunderlich, 2023: 64, f. 139-144 (Dm).
Urozelotes kabenge FitzPatrick, 2005 | m f | Zambia     []
Urozelotes kabenge FitzPatrick, 2005: 239, f. 7-10 (Dmf).
Urozelotes mysticus Platnick & Murphy, 1984 | m f | Italy     []
Urozelotes mysticus Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 27, f. 59-62 (Dmf).
Urozelotes mysticus Trotta, 2005: 166, f. 289-290 (mf).
Urozelotes patulusus Sankaran & Sebastian, 2018 | m f | India     []
Urozelotes patulusus Sankaran & Sebastian, 2018d: 1739, f. 1c-d, 4a-e (Dmf).
Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) * | m f | Probably native to Europe/Mediterranean to temperate Asia. Introduced to both Americas, tropical Africa, Australia     []
Melanophora rustica Canestrini & Pavesi, 1870: 27 (nomen nudum).
Prosthesima rustica L. Koch, 1872b: 309 (Df).
Drassus razoumowskyi Pavesi, 1873a: 123, f. 3 (Dm).
Drassus cerdo Thorell, 1875a: 97 (Dm).
Drassus cerdo Thorell, 1875c: 90 (Dm).
Prosthesima larifuga Simon, 1878a: 90, pl. 14, f. 22 (Dm).
Prosthesima rustica Simon, 1878a: 93 (m).
Prosthesima pallida Keyserling, 1878a: 602, pl. 14, f. 22 (Df; preoccupied by O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874, see Zelotes tenuis).
Prosthesima rustica Bertkau, 1880b: 263, pl. 6, f. 3 (mf).
Drassus agelastus Keyserling, 1891: 35, pl. 1, f. 14 (Df) [].
Prosthesima blanda Banks, 1892a: 18, pl. 1, f. 57 (Dm) [].
Prosthesima minima Banks, 1892a: 19, pl. 4, f. 69 (Df).
Prosthesima rustica Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1897: 207, pl. 8, f. 4 (f).
Prosthesima completa Banks, 1898b: 219, pl. 13, f. 22 (Dmf) [].
Prosthesima lutea F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899a: 57, pl. 4, f. 16 (Df) [].
Melanophora pacifica Simon, 1899b: 412 (Df) [].
Prosthesima rustica Bösenberg, 1902: 313, pl. 29, f. 462 (mf).
Zelotes femoralis Banks, 1904b: 336, pl. 38, f. 1 (Df) [].
Melanophora porteri Simon, 1904e: 89 (Df) [].
Drassodes pater Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 119, pl. 16, f. 483 (Dm) [].
Drassodes rotundifoveatus Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 120, pl. 16, f. 484 (Df) [].
Prosthesima rustica O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906a: 43, pl. B, f. 1 (f).
Melanophora rustica orientalis Simon, 1909e: 77 (Df).
Drassodes agelastus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 137.
Zelotes blandus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 148.
Zelotes completus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 148.
Zelotes luteus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 150.
Zelotes pallidus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 150.
Zelotes porteri Petrunkevitch, 1911: 151.
Zelotes razoumowskyi Simon, 1914: 156, 165, 218, f. 294, 341 (mf).
Scotophaeus blepharotrichus Strand, 1915c: 139 (Dm) [].
Drassyllus blandus Chamberlin, 1922: 167.
Drassyllus femoralis Chamberlin, 1922: 170.
Drassyllus liopus Chamberlin, 1922: 170 (Dm) [].
Camillina amnicola Tucker, 1923: 336, pl. 10, f. 56 (Dmf) [].
Haplodrassus magister Chamberlin, 1933a: 6, f. 11-12 (Dm) [].
Drassyllus abdalbus Chamberlin, 1936b: 15, f. 31-32 (Dm) [].
Zelotes rusticus Reimoser, 1937a: 36, f. 60, 74 (mf).
Urozelotes cardiogynus Mello-Leitão, 1938a: 111, f. 30 (Df) [].
Zelotes scutatus Mello-Leitão, 1939f: 529, f. 14-15 (Dm; preoccupied by O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872, see Zelotes scrutatus) [].
Latonigena agelasta Mello-Leitão, 1943a: 216 (T from Drassodes).
Zelotes razoumovskyi Denis, 1947a: 60, pl. 3, f. 7 (f).
Drassyllus femoralis Kaston, 1948: 360, f. 1220-1222 (f, Dm).
Zelotes keyserlingi Roewer, 1951: 444 (replacement name for Prosthesima pallida Keyserling, 1878) [].
Zelotes paulistus Roewer, 1951: 444 (replacement name for Zelotes scutatus Mello-Leitão, 1939) [].
Zelotes rusticus Locket & Millidge, 1951: 112, f. 57A-B, E (mf).
Zelotes razoumovskyi Denis, 1952f: 121, f. 16-18 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Millidge & Locket, 1955: 171 (S of Drassyllus femoralis).
Gnaphosa scutata Roewer, 1955c: 369 (lapsus for Zelotes scutatus).
Drassodes agelasius Roewer, 1955c: 396 (lapsus).
Zelotes rusticus Buchar, 1961: 90, f. 1C (f).
Zelotes rusticus Oltean, 1962: 576, f. 1 (f).
Zelotes rusticus Jézéquel, 1962b: 603, f. 25 (f).
Drassodes malodes Tikader, 1962e: 572, f. 2a-c (Df) [].
Zelotes rusticus Brændegaard, 1966: 113, f. 96 (f).
Zelotes rusticus Tystshenko, 1971: 101, f. 213 (f).
Camillina gigas Schmidt, 1973: 362, f. 3 (Df; not m, f. 4a-b = Setaphis gomerae) [].
Zelotes rusticus Ubick & Roth, 1973a: 8 (S of Drassyllus abdalbus, D. blandus, D. liopus and Haplodrassus magister).
Zelotes rusticus Shinkai & Hara, 1975: 17, f. 1 (f).
Zelotes scutatus Platnick & Shadab, 1975a: 5 (T from Gnaphosa).
Zelotes rusticus Shinkai, 1977: 333, f. 15 (f).
Zelotes rusticus Shinkai, 1978: 103, f. 43-44 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Paik, 1978e: 425, f. 192.1-3 (f).
Drassodes malodes Tikader & Biswas, 1981: 66, f. 112-114 (f).
Drassodes malodes Tikader, 1982b: 397, f. 230-232 (f).
Zelotes rusticus Hayashi, 1983a: 13, f. 16-23 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Platnick & Murphy, 1984: 24, f. 55-58 (mf, T from Zelotes, S of Camillina amnicola, C. gigas, Latonigena agelasta, Drassodes malodes, Urozelotes cardiogynus, Zelotes completus, Z. keyserlingi, Z. luteusZ. pacificus, Z. paulistus, Z. porteri and Z. scutatus).
Zelotes rusticus Grimm, 1985: 221, f. 217b, 218b, 244, 272-273 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Roberts, 1985: 72, f. 26d (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Heiss & Allen, 1986: 52, f. 85-86 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Platnick & Song, 1986: 20, f. 75-78 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Yaginuma, 1986a: 191, f. 106.5 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Paik, 1986d: 36, f. 53-63 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Zhang, 1987: 188, f. 160 (f).
Zelotes rusticus Chikuni, 1989b: 120, f. 12 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 446, f. 1184 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Platnick & Dondale, 1992: 138, f. 216-219 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Noordam, 1992: 9 (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Roberts, 1995: 112, f. (mf).
Zelotes rusticus Roberts, 1998: 116, f. (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Kamura, 1998: 169 (S of Drassodes pater and D. rotundifoveatus).
Zelotes rusticus Levy, 1998c: 143, f. 108-111 (mf, S of Scotophaeus blepharotrichus).
Urozelotes rusticus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 456, f. 265H, R (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 359, f. 234A-D (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Namkung, 2002: 485, f. 37.26a-b (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Namkung, 2003: 488, f. 37.26a-b (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Song, Zhu & Zhang, 2004: 240, f. 140A-D (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Trotta, 2005: 166, f. 291-292 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Jung et al., 2005: 197, f. 39-40, 77, 138-139 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Murphy, 2007: 37, f. 192-193 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Kamura, 2009: 493, f. 156-158 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Crespo et al., 2009b: 344, f. 3a-c (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Wunderlich, 2011: 37, 404, f. 20-22, 11-12 (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Yin et al., 2012: 1206, f. 643a-f (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Kim & Lee, 2013: 135, f. 94A-E (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Rodrigues & Rheims, 2020b: 672, f. 9E, 13D, 17A, 22A, 27A (m).
Urozelotes rusticus Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 30, 6 f. (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Zhang, Peng & Zhang, 2022: 246, f. 181A-G (mf).
Urozelotes rusticus Nojima, 2024: 40, f. 15 (m).
Urozelotes trifidus Tuneva, 2003 | m f | France, Russia (Europe)     []
Urozelotes trifidus Tuneva, 2003a: 95, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
Urozelotes trifidus Milano et al., 2019: 37, f. 5A-D (mf).
Urozelotes trifidus Esyunin & Tuneva, 2020: 115, f. 21, 38-40 (mf).