Family: Atracidae Hogg, 1901 [] Back

Gen. Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873 [ ]
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1980a: 255 and to the Atracidae by Hedin et al., 2018: 4; considered a senior synonym of Styphlopis Rainbow, 1913: 5 [] (type S. insularis Rainbow, 1913), Pseudatrax Rainbow, 1914a: 260 (type P. moreaui Rainbow, 1914) [] and Anepsiada Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918: 167 [] (type A. ventricosa Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918) by Gray, 1988: 117, but not of Atrax O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877, contra Raven, 1980a: 255, after Main, 1985b: 42; Hoser, 2017 separated three new genera (Swilearanea, Shireenaranea and Grayaraneaus [sic]), revalidated Anepsiada Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918 and divided Hadronyche into two subgenera, this is not followed here and the new genera are regarded as invalid, because the author did not note any material he examined and just copied text parts from Gray, 2010, who regarded all species included by Hoser, 2017 as belonging to Hadronyche.
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
L. Koch, 1873: 463 (type Hadronyche cerberea L. Koch, 1873; gender feminine)
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Counts Status
2nomen dubium

Koch, L. (1873). Die Arachniden Australiens, nach der Natur beschrieben und abgebildet [Erster Theil, Lieferung 8-9]. Bauer & Raspe, Nürnberg, 369-472, pl. 28-36. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.121660 download pdf

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2018-01-31 Genus transferred to other family Hedin et al., 2018a Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873 transferred to Atracidae