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Acantheis dimidiatus (Thorell, 1890) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis variatus (Thorell, 1890) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis laetus (Thorell, 1890) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis tridens Pocock, 1897 | Ctenidae synonym = Acantheis laetus
Acantheis longiventris Simon, 1897 | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis celer (Simon, 1897) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis oreus (Simon, 1901) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis boetonensis (Strand, 1913) | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis indicus Gravely, 1931 | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis nipponicus Ono, 2008 | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis sergeimishenini Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023 | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acantheis andreimishenini Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023 | Ctenidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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