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Austrochilus parwis Michalik & Wunderlich, 2017 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus forsteri Grismado, Lopardo & Platnick, 2003 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus newtoni Platnick, 1987 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Thaida chepu Platnick, 1987 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus melon Platnick, 1987 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus schlingeri Platnick, 1987 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus franckei Platnick, 1987 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Austrochilus manni Gertsch & Zapfe, 1955 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Thaida peculiaris Karsch, 1880 | Austrochilidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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