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Argiope aetheroides Yin, Wang, Zhang, Peng & Chen, 1989 | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Argiope aetherea tangana Strand, 1911 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope brunnescentia
Argiope aetherea coniuncta Kulczyński, 1911 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope reinwardti
Argiope aetherea melanopalpis Strand, 1911 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope aetherea
Argiope aetherea confusa Kulczyński, 1911 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope reinwardti
Argiope aetherea keyensis Strand, 1911 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope modesta
Argiope aetherea annulipes Thorell, 1881 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope aetherea
Argiope aetherea deusta Thorell, 1881 | Araneidae synonym = Argiope aetherea
Argiope keyserlingi Karsch, 1878 | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Argiope aetherea (Walckenaer, 1841) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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