Taxon details
Trichonephila clavata (L. Koch, 1878)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-03-13
- LSID: []
- Distribution: India to Japan, Russia (Far East). Introduced to Azerbaijan, USA
- External Resources *:
Nephila limbata Thorell, 1898: 335 (Df).
Nephila clavata Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 190, pl. 3, f. 11, pl. 11, f. 217 (f, Dm).
Argiope maja Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 201, f. 1 (Df) [].
Nephila obnubila Simon, 1906c: 308 (Df).
Nephila clavata Dahl, 1912a: 35, 73.
Nephila clavatoides Schenkel, 1953b: 27, f. 14a-b (Dmf) [].
Nephila clavata cavaleriei Schenkel, 1963: 134, f. 78 (Df) [].
Nephila clavata Hikichi, 1977: 154, f. 42 (f).
Nephila clavata Tikader, 1982a: 102, f. 195-197 (f).
Nephila clavata cavalierei Brignoli, 1983c: 241 (lapsus).
Nephila clavata Hu, 1984: 119, f. 119.1-3 (mf).
Nephila clavata Zhu & Shi, 1985: 84, f. 72a-c (f).
Nephila clavata Chikuni, 1989b: 80, f. 51 (mf).
Nephila clavata Feng, 1990: 96, f. 71.1-3 (mf).
Nephila clavata Chen & Gao, 1990: 69, f. 88a-b (mf).
Nephila clavata Chen & Zhang, 1991: 110, f. 104.1-3 (mf).
Nephila clavata Kim, Kim & Lee, 1999: 58, f. 12, 37, 59 (mf).
Nephila clavata Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 217, f. 124M-N, 125B-C (mf).
Nephila clavata Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 167, f. 97A-B (mf).
Nephila clavata Namkung, 2002: 232, f. 18.19a-b (mf).
Nephila clavata Kim & Cho, 2002: 318, f. 871-876 (mf).
Nephila clavata Zhu, Song & Zhang, 2003: 75, f. 32A-K, pl. 4E-H (mf, S of Nephila clavatoides and N. clavata cavaleriei).
Nephila clavata Namkung, 2003: 234, f. 18.19a-b (mf).
Nephila clavata Tanikawa, 2007c: 94, f. 301-309, 764-765 (mf).
Nephila clavata Kim, Ki & Park, 2008: 183, f. 6A-D (mf).
Nephila clavata Tanikawa, 2009: 403, f. 1-2 (mf).
Nephila clavata Zhu & Zhang, 2011: 193, f. 136A-K (mf).
Nephila clavata Yin et al., 2012: 475, f. 217a-f (mf).
Nephila clavata Jäger, 2012c: 315 (S of Argiope maja).
Nephila clavata Kim & Lee, 2013: 70, f. 45A-D, pl. 20-21 (mf).
Nephila clavata Baba & Tanikawa, 2015: 40, 6 f. (mf).
Nephila clavata Zhang & Wang, 2017: 476, 4 f. (mf).
Nephila clavata Zhang, 2018b: 53, f. 7-1.A-D, pl. 12 (mf).
Trichonephila clavata Kuntner et al., 2019: 557 (T from Nephila).
Nephila clavata Zhan et al., 2019: 7, f. 2K (f).
Trichonephila clavata Fomichev & Omelko, 2024a: 13, f. 1-5 (f).
Trichonephila clavata Zamani et al., 2025c: 135, f. 4A-E (f).
Baba, Y. G. & Tanikawa, A. (2015). The handbook of spiders. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo, 112 pp. -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. & Strand, E. (1906). Japanische Spinnen. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 30: 93-422. -- Show included taxa
Brignoli, P. M. (1983c). A catalogue of the Araneae described between 1940 and 1981. Manchester University Press, 755 pp. -- Show included taxa
Chen, X. E. & Gao, J. C. (1990). The Sichuan farmland spiders in China. Sichuan Science and Technology Publishing House, Chengdu, 226 pp. -- Show included taxa
Chen, Z. F. & Zhang, Z. H. (1991). Fauna of Zhejiang: Araneida. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Hangzhou, 356 pp. -- Show included taxa
Chikuni, Y. (1989b). Pictorial encyclopedia of spiders in Japan. Kaisei-sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 310 pp. -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1912a). Seidenspinne und Spinneseide. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 6(1): 1-90. doi:10.1002/mmnz.19120060101 -- Show included taxa
Feng, Z. Q. (1990). Spiders of China in colour. Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, 256 pp. -- Show included taxa
Fomichev, A. A. & Omelko, M. M. (2024a). New for the Asian part of Russia taxa of spiders (Arachnida: Aranei). Far Eastern Entomologist 502: 12-20. doi:10.25221/fee.502.3 -- Show included taxa
Hikichi, K. (1977). Comparative anatomy of some internal organs in spiders of Trionycha. Acta Arachnologica 27(Spec. No.): 145-156. doi:10.2476/asjaa.27.Specialnumber_145 -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. (1984). The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 482 pp. -- Show included taxa
Jäger, P. (2012c). A review on the spider genus Argiope Audouin 1826 with special emphasis on broken emboli in female epigynes (Araneae: Araneidae: Argiopinae). Beiträge zur Araneologie 7: 272-331, 358-362. -- Show included taxa
Kim, J. P., Kim, S. D. & Lee, Y. B. (1999). A revisional study of the Korean spiders, family Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866 (Arachnida: Araneae). Korean Arachnology 15(2): 41-100. -- Show included taxa
Kim, J. P. & Cho, J. H. (2002). Spider: Natural Enemy & Resources. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), 424 pp. -- Show included taxa
Kim, J. P., Ki, L. J. & Park, Y. C. (2008). The spider fauna of Cheonggyecheon from Korea. Korean Arachnology 24: 169-187. -- Show included taxa
Kim, S. T. & Lee, S. Y. (2013). Arthropoda: Arachnida: Araneae: Mimetidae, Uloboridae, Theridiosomatidae, Tetragnathidae, Nephilidae, Pisauridae, Gnaphosidae. Spiders. Invertebrate Fauna of Korea 21(23): 1-183. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1878c). Japanesische Arachniden und Myriapoden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 27(1877): 735-798, pl. 15-16. -- Show included taxa
Kuntner, M., Hamilton, C. A., Cheng, R. C., Gregorič, M., Lupse, N., Lokovsek, T., Lemmon, E. M., Lemmon, A. R., Agnarsson, I., Coddington, J. A. & Bond, J. E. (2019). Golden orbweavers ignore biological rules: phylogenomic and comparative analyses unravel a complex evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Systematic Biology 68(4): 555-572. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syy082 -- Show included taxa
Namkung, J. (2002). The spiders of Korea. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Seoul, 648 pp. [2001 in the book, but publ. in 2002 per Platnick] -- Show included taxa
Namkung, J. (2003). The Spiders of Korea, 2nd. ed. Kyo-Hak Publishing Co., Seoul, 648 pp. -- Show included taxa
Schenkel, E. (1953b). Chinesische Arachnoidea aus dem Museum Hoangho-Peiho in Tientsin. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (N.S., Zool.) 119: 1-108. -- Show included taxa
Schenkel, E. (1963). Ostasiatische Spinnen aus dem Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (A, Zool.) 25: 1-481. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1906c). Voyage de M. Maurice Maindron dans l'Inde méridionale (mai à novembre 1901). 8me Mémoire. Arachnides (2e partie). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 75(3): 279-314. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (1999). The spiders of China. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 640 pp. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (2001). The Fauna of Hebei, China: Araneae. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 510 pp. -- Show included taxa
Tanikawa, A. (2007c). An identification guide to the Japanese spiders of the families Araneidae, Nephilidae and Tetragnathidae. Arachnological Society of Japan, 121 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Tanikawa, A. (2009). Hersiliidae. Nephilidae, Tetragnathidae, Araneidae. In: Ono, H. (ed.) The spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, pp. 149, 403-463. -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1898). Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. LXXX. Secondo saggio sui Ragni birmani. II. Retitelariae et Orbitelariae. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 39: 271-378. -- Show included taxa
Tikader, B. K. (1982a). Part 1. Family Araneidae (= Argiopidae). Typical orb-weavers. In: The fauna of India. Spiders: Araneae. Vol. II. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, pp. 1-293. -- Show included taxa
Yin, C. M., Peng, X. J., Yan, H. M., Bao, Y. H., Xu, X., Tang, G., Zhou, Q. S. & Liu, P. (2012). Fauna Hunan: Araneae in Hunan, China. Hunan Science and Technology Press, Changsha, 1590 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Zamani, A., Nuruyeva, T., Snegovaya, N., Freyhof, J., Mustafayev, N. & Marusik, Y. M. (2025c). New records of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Azerbaijan, including the first record of Nephilidae from the Western Palaearctic. Arachnology 20(1): 132-137. -- Show included taxa
Zhan, Y., Jiang, H., Wu, Q., Zhang, H., Bai, Z. S., Kuntner, M. & Tu, L. H. (2019). Comparative morphology refines the conventional model of spider reproduction. PLoS One 14(7, e0218486): 1-16 & 12 Supplements. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218486 -- Show included taxa
Zhang, Z. S. & Wang, L. Y. (2017). Chinese spiders illustrated. Chongqing University Press, 954 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Zhang, C. (2018b). Tetragnathidae, Nephilidae, Araneidae. In: Zhang, F. & Xue, X. F. (eds.) Fauna of Tianmu Mountain. Volume II. Arachnida. Araneae Eriophyoidea. Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, pp. 47-57, pl. 11-13. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Shi, J. G. (1985). [Crop field spiders of Shanxi Province]. Agriculture Planning Committee of Shanxi Province (for 1983), 239 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S., Song, D. X. & Zhang, J. X. (2003). Fauna Sinica: Invertebrata Vol. 35: Arachnida: Araneae: Tetragnathidae. Science Press, Beijing, 418 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Zhang, B. S. (2011). Spider Fauna of Henan: Arachnida: Araneae. Science Press, Beijing, 558 pp. -- Show included taxa
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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
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Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2025-03-13 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zamani et al., 2025c | n/a |
2025-03-13 | Species distribution update | Zamani et al., 2025c | n/a (Old value) |
2024-07-15 | New taxonomic reference entry | Fomichev & Omelko, 2024a | n/a |
2024-07-15 | Species distribution update | Fomichev & Omelko, 2024a | n/a (Old value) |
2023-05-18 | Species distribution update | n/a (Old value) | |
2022-04-14 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zhang, 2018b | n/a |
2019-08-19 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zhan et al., 2019 | n/a |
2019-06-15 | New taxonomic reference entry | Kuntner et al., 2019 | n/a |
2019-06-15 | Species transferred to new genus | Kuntner et al., 2019 | Species transferred from Nephila to Trichonephila |
2019-03-22 | New taxonomic reference entry | Zhang & Wang, 2017 | n/a |
2017-10-27 | New taxonomic reference entry | Baba & Tanikawa, 2015 | n/a |
2015-02-11 | New taxonomic reference entry | Kim & Lee, 2013 | n/a |